
Why email is not sending even if the path is working

这是一段用于生成邮件的代码,在我没有将路径作为参数附加之前一直有效。问题是,如果我附加路径,它不会抛出任何错误(无日志)。只是页面开始没有响应,调试器甚至不跳到下一行。 任何帮助都会帮助我理解我的错误。谢谢

public ActionResult Mailsending(string list)
            string strIdeas = string.Empty;
            string Certpath =  System.Configuration.ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["UploadPath"];
            List<int> list = new List<int>();
            List<string> pramAttachment = new List<string>();              
            pramAttachment.Add(Server.MapPath(Certpath) + "MyPdf.pdf"); ///Path of the generated pdf.
            Submitidlist = new CommonBL().GetSubmiidListForGenerateMail();

            new CommonBL().UpdateIsGenerateStatus(ideaidlist, UserID);

            foreach (var item in ideaidlist)
                strIdeas = strIdeas + item.ToString() + ",";
            GenerateMyPDF(list); //Here pdf is generating

            string path = GenerateMail(strIdeas.TrimEnd(','));

            if (path != string.Empty)
                new CommonBL().AddGenerateImagePath(path, UserId);
                new MailSender().SendMail((int)eMailType.GenerateMail, null, pramAttachment); // here path is added as parameter,and after this debugger not jump out of this scope.

            return Json("Mail generated Successfully."); ///no message showing

        catch (Exception ex)
            return Json("Error");

编辑: public class 邮件发件人:IDisposable { public bool SendMail(short mailId, List> parameters, List attachmentsPath = null); }

可能仍在生成的 PDF 上留下锁,因此 MailSender 由于排他锁而无法访问它。您可以发送包含之前生成的文件的电子邮件吗?

添加一个显然也是这个问题的答案的观点是: 调试了整个代码后,我发现我的smtp服务器不允许给我发邮件,所以即使上面的代码正确,它也显示处理中。 因此,如果有人使用上述代码,则可以正常工作。
