Flex 4/ActionScript 3 中 ComboBox 的方法 setSelectedIndex:是否有当前文档?

Method setSelectedIndex for ComboBox in Flex 4/ActionScript 3: is there any current documentation?

我一直在查看 Adob​​e 的 the spark ComboBox 文档,但找不到方法:

setSelectedIndex(value:int, dispatchChangeEvent:Boolean = false, changeCaret:Boolean = true):void

我知道这个函数存在,因为我的代码使用了它。我正在使用 Flex SDK 4.14.1。当我转到 ComboBox.as 源文件时,我发现功能很好:

 *  @copy spark.components.supportClasses.ListBase#setSelectedIndex()
 *  @langversion 3.0
 *  @playerversion Flash 11.1
 *  @playerversion AIR 3.4
 *  @productversion Flex 4.10
override public function setSelectedIndex(value:int, dispatchChangeEvent:Boolean = false, changeCaret:Boolean = true):void
    // It is possible that the label display changed but the selection didn't.  If this is
    // the case, the label has to be updated since the setSelectedIndex code will short-circuit
    // and not commit the selection.
    // An example is if the label is deleted and then the first item is chosen from the
    // dropdown, the selectedIndex is still 0.
    if (userTypedIntoText && value == selectedIndex)

    super.setSelectedIndex(value, dispatchChangeEvent, changeCaret);

我还上了继承树(DropDownListBase -> List -> ListBase 等)和 ComboBox 继承的 类 的 none 有关于 setSelectedIndex 的文档。

我能找到的唯一文档是保存在 ZengRong's blog 上的旧版本 (Flex 4.10)。


该版本的 Flex 来自 open-source Apache version,Adobe 不再 maintains/develops Flex:


setSelectedIndex () method

override public function setSelectedIndex(value:int, dispatchChangeEvent:Boolean = false, changeCaret:Boolean = true):void

The rowIndex is the index in the data provider of the item containing the selected cell.


value:int — The 0-based row index of the cell.

dispatchChangeEvent:Boolean (default = false) — if true, the component will dispatch a "change" event if the rowIndex has changed. Otherwise, it will dispatch a "valueCommit" event.

changeCaret:Boolean (default = true) — if true, the caret will be set to the selectedIndex as a side-effect of calling this method. If false, caretIndex won't change.

ASDOC for Apache Flex
