将 类 从父 div 拆分并复制到相邻的 div(液体或 jQuery)

Split and copy classes from parent div to adjacent divs (Liquid or jQuery)


<div id="parent" class="grid-item {{ this.filters | downcase | replace: ' ', '-' | replace: ',', ' ' | replace: '/', '-' }}">
    <div class="labels">
        {{ this.filters | prepend: '<filter>' | replace: ',', '</filter><filter>' | append: '</filter>' }}

我有以下过滤器(可以选择 1 个或全部)

假设选择 "Mood Boards"、"Designers"、"Collaboration" 作为过滤器...上面的 Liquid Markup 将输出以下内容:

<div id="parent" class="grid-item mood-boards designers collaboration">
    <div class="labels">
        <filter>Mood Boards</filter>


<div id="parent" class="grid-item mood-boards designers collaboration">
    <div class="labels">
        <filter class="mood-boards">Mood Boards</filter>
        <filter class="designers">Designers</filter>
        <filter class="collaboration">Collaboration</filter>

这在 Liquid 中可行吗(理想的解决方案)或者如果不行,我们可以在 jQuery 中实现吗? 您可以看到 类 的顺序始终与 <filter> 的顺序对齐。

可能只选择了 1 个或所有上述过滤器,因此代码需要能够将来自 #parent 的 类 添加到适当的 <filter>'s。




<filter class="{{ this.filters[0] | downcase | replace: ' ', '-' | replace: ',', ' ' | replace: '/', '-' }}">
    {{ this.filters[0] }}

<filter class="{{ this.filters[1] | downcase | replace: ' ', '-' | replace: ',', ' ' | replace: '/', '-' }}">
    {{ this.filters[1] }}


{% if this.filters contains "Mood Boards" -%}
    <filter class="mood-boards">Mood Boards</filter>
{% endif -%}

{% if this.filters contains "Outfits" -%}
    <filter class="outfits">Outfits</filter>
{% endif -%}

{% if this.filters contains "Designers" -%}
    <filter class="designers">Designers</filter>
{% endif -%}

{% if this.filters contains "Styling" -%}
    <filter class="styling">Styling</filter>
{% endif -%}

{% if this.filters contains "Photo Shoots" -%}
    <filter class="photo-shoots">Photo Shoots</filter>
{% endif -%}

{% if this.filters contains "Collaboration" -%}
    <filter class="collaboration">Collaboration</filter>
{% endif -%}

{% if this.filters contains "News/Events" -%}
    <filter class="news-events">News/Events</filter>{
% endif -%}


<!--Not sure how your data was coming in, but this 
    gets us to an iterable array:-->
{% assign rawActiveFilters = "Mood Boards,Designers,Collaboration" -%}
{% assign cats = rawActiveFilters | split: "," -%}

<!--catsJoined will be used outside the loop.-->
{% capture catsJoined -%}
    {% for cat in cats -%}
        {{ cat | downcase | replace: '/', '-' | replace: ' ', '-' -}}
    {% endfor -%}
{% endcapture -%}

<!--Remove those unsightly extra spaces. Not required, just preferred.-->
{% capture catsJoinedTidy -%}{{ catsJoined | split: ' ' | join: ' ' }}{% endcapture -%}

<div id="parent" class="grid-item {{ catsJoinedTidy }}">
    <div class="labels">
        {% for cat in cats -%}
            <filter class="{{ cat | downcase | replace: '/', '-' | replace: ' ', '-' }}">
                {{ cat }}
        {% endfor -%}