为什么 PayPal 的快速结帐失败且没有错误?

Why does PayPal's Express Checkout fail with no errors?

PayPal 在从 JavaScript 调用的 checkout.php 中的第一步失败。我正在使用沙箱并在本地和服务器上尝试过 运行。我发了一个技术。支持请求解释了问题,但 3 天后我没有收到他们的任何回复。我猜这应该归咎于天气。



ACK=SetExpressCheckout API调用失败。







require_once ("paypalfunctions.php");

$PaymentOption = "PayPal";
if ($PaymentOption == "PayPal")
    // ==================================
    // PayPal Express Checkout Module
    // ==================================    

    //' The paymentAmount is the total value of 
    //' the purchase.
    //' TODO: Enter the total Payment Amount within the quotes.
    //' example : $paymentAmount = "15.00";

    $paymentAmount = "15.00";

    //' The currencyCodeType  
    //' is set to the selections made on the Integration Assistant 
    $currencyCodeType = "USD";
    $paymentType = "Sale";

    //' The returnURL is the location where buyers return to when a
    //' payment has been succesfully authorized.
    //' This is set to the value entered on the Integration Assistant 
    $returnURL = "http://jquery.bunkerhill.com/php/orderconfirm.php";

    //' The cancelURL is the location buyers are sent to when they hit the
    //' cancel button during authorization of payment during the PayPal flow
    //' This is set to the value entered on the Integration Assistant 
    $cancelURL = "http://jquery.bunkerhill.com/php/cancel.php";

    //' Calls the SetExpressCheckout API call
    //' The CallSetExpressCheckout function is defined in the file PayPalFunctions.php,
    //' it is included at the top of this file.

    $items = array();
    $items[] = array('name' => 'jQuery-Translator', 'amt' => $paymentAmount, 'qty' => 1);


    // to add anothe item, uncomment the lines below and comment the line above 
    // $items[] = array('name' => 'Item Name1', 'amt' => $itemAmount1, 'qty' => 1);
    // $items[] = array('name' => 'Item Name2', 'amt' => $itemAmount2, 'qty' => 1);
    // $paymentAmount = $itemAmount1 + $itemAmount2;

    // assign corresponding item amounts to "$itemAmount1" and "$itemAmount2"
    // NOTE : sum of all the item amounts should be equal to payment  amount 

    $resArray = SetExpressCheckoutDG( $paymentAmount, $currencyCodeType, $paymentType, 
                                            $returnURL, $cancelURL, $items );
    $ack = strtoupper($resArray["ACK"]);
    if($ack == "SUCCESS" || $ack == "SUCCESSWITHWARNING")
            $token = urldecode($resArray["TOKEN"]);
            RedirectToPayPalDG( $token );
            //Display a user friendly Error on the page using any of the following error information returned by PayPal
            $ErrorCode = urldecode($resArray["L_ERRORCODE0"]);
            $ErrorShortMsg = urldecode($resArray["L_SHORTMESSAGE0"]);
            $ErrorLongMsg = urldecode($resArray["L_LONGMESSAGE0"]);
            $ErrorSeverityCode = urldecode($resArray["L_SEVERITYCODE0"]);

            echo "SetExpressCheckout API call failed. " . "<br/>";
            echo "Detailed Error Message: " . $ErrorLongMsg . "<br/>";
            echo "Short Error Message: " . $ErrorShortMsg . "<br/>";
            echo "Error Code: " . $ErrorCode . "<br/>";
            echo "Error Severity Code: " . $ErrorSeverityCode . "<br/>";


您一定从 PayPal 收到了空白响应,这意味着您可能遇到了 curl 错误,这意味着您可能 运行 进入了 SSLv3 握手失败,而 PayPal 刚刚用它打开了开关2016 年 1 月 19 日。

这是 PayPal 所做的,因为 POODLE vulnerability

您应该做的是检查 curl 错误以验证这是您 运行 遇到的问题(我几乎可以保证是因为他们打开开关后我们看到了很多这样的问题.)

然后,最简单的方法就是联系您的网络托管服务商并说明您 运行 遇到了这个问题,他们需要更新您的服务器以修复它。它基本上归结为服务器软件堆栈,特别是 OpenSSL,更新到正确处理 TLS 回退的受支持版本。