如何在 C# 中解决任务栏中的 WPF 弹出通知到屏幕右下角的问题?

How to solve WPF Popup Notify in taskbar to rightbottom of the screen in c#?

我停留在任务栏中的 WPF 弹出通知图标上,它没有在屏幕上显示弹出通知。 我在 c#

 public void report()
  //Here am selected the value from database and stored it in "str" ,upto 
       //this working fine
  string title = "Report Received";
  string str = value from database

  NotifyIcon nic = new NotifyIcon();
  nic.Text = str;                  
  nic.BalloonTipText = str;
  nic.BalloonTipTitle = title;
  nic.Visible = true;
  nic.ShowBalloonTip(1000, title, text, ToolTipIcon.Info);


您需要在调用 ShowBalloonTip 之前定义一个图标才能使其正常工作:

nic.Icon = new Icon(@"PATH/TO/AN/ICON.ico");
