SimpleDateFormat - 日、月、时间不正确

SimpleDateFormat - day, month, time are incorrect

此代码将十六进制 (radix16) 格式的供应商专有时间戳转换为 Unix 时间。我从 Java 文档中知道 SimpleDateFormat 是从零开始的月份 (Jan=0),但是,当使用格式字符串从 Unix 时间戳转换为人类可读格式时,月、日和时间都不正确(见末尾评论中的结果)。


Yr 2010 Mo 1 Da 4 Time 13513407 (03:45:13:407).  



月份是 02 而不是 01(正如预期的那样),但日期是 05 而不是 04。小时 (03) 正确,但 minssecsmillis 不正确。

我在评论中包含了用于测试的传递 "text" 值。

public static long parseUnsignedHex(String text) {
    // text = "07DA010400CE32BF"
    long bsUnixTs = 0;
    if (text.length() == 16) {
        String bsYr = text.substring(1, 4);
        String bsMo = text.substring(5,6);
        String bsDa = text.substring(7,8);
        String bsTime = text.substring(9,16);
        try {
            long bsYrL = Long.decode("0x" + bsYr);
            long bsMoL = Long.decode("0x" + bsMo);
            long bsDaL = Long.decode("0x" + bsDa);
            long bsTimeL = Long.decode("0x" + bsTime);
            Calendar bsCal = Calendar.getInstance();
            bsCal.set((int)bsYrL, (int)bsMoL, (int)bsDaL);
            bsCal.setTimeInMillis(bsCal.getTimeInMillis() + bsTimeL);
            bsUnixTs = bsCal.getTimeInMillis();
            System.out.printf("Yr %d Mo %d Da %d Time %d%n", bsYrL, bsMoL, bsDaL, bsTimeL);
        } catch (NumberFormatException e) {
        } catch (Throwable e){
    SimpleDateFormat sdf = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyyMMdd_HHmmssSSS");
    // convert unix into yyyyMMdd_HHmmssSSS Human Readable (HR) format
    String[][] arTimeString = new String[1][2];
    for(int i=0; i<arTimeString.length; i++){
        arTimeString[i][0] = Long.toString(bsUnixTs);
        arTimeString[i][1] = sdf.format(bsUnixTs);
        try {
                System.out.format("Unix:" + arTimeString[i][0] + " HR:" + arTimeString[i][1]);
                // result:
                // SimpleDateFormat - month is zero-based
                //                    the day of month may be incremented because the time is 03:45:13:407
                // Yr 2010 Mo 1 Da 4 Time 13513407
                // Unix:1265358083239 HR:20100205_032123239
        } catch (Exception e) {
            // TODO Auto-generated catch block

    return bsUnixTs;


Calendar bsCal = Calendar.getInstance();
bsCal.set((int)bsYrL, (int)bsMoL, (int)bsDaL);
bsCal.setTimeInMillis(bsCal.getTimeInMillis() + bsTimeL);

Calendar bsCal = Calendar.getInstance();
bsCal.set((int) bsYrL, (int) bsMoL - 1, (int) bsDaL, 0, 0);
bsCal.set(Calendar.SECOND, 0);
bsCal.set(Calendar.MILLISECOND, 0);


Yr 2010 Mo 1 Da 4 Time 13513407
Unix:1262537113407 HR:20100104_034513407

Calendar 使用基于 0 的月份,而不是 SimpleDateFormat,此外,当使用 Calendar#set 时,它只会影响您提供的字段,留下 hourminutesecond 以及 milliscondsCalendar 创建时未变(这是 time/date 值的快照)
