使用 sql 中的选定记录更新现有 table

Update an existing table using selected records in tsql

我遇到了一个查询,我需要使用动态生成的记录集更新现有 table。我试着寻找答案,但没有从他们那里得到太多帮助。


with t as
    SELECT R.Col1, R.Col2, O.Column2, row_number() 
        OVER (partition by R.Col3, R.Col4 
              ORDER BY
              CASE WHEN @Criteria = 'NA' then R.Col1 END ASC,
              CASE WHEN @Criteria = 'ND' then R.Col1 END DESC,
              CASE WHEN @Criteria = 'CA' then R.Col2 END ASC,
              CASE WHEN @Criteria = 'CD' then R.Col1 END DESC
             ) as NewOrder 
               From RecordsTable R innerjoin OtherTable O on R.Col2 = O.Column1
               where R.Col3 = @Col5Val
Update RecordsTable Set RecordsTable.Ordering = t.NewOrder 
       where RecordsTable.Name = t.Col1 
       and RecordsTable.Address = t.Col2

我收到的错误是 The multi-part identifier "t.Col1" could not be boundThe multi-part identifier "t.Col2" could not be bound


Table 结构


Col1   |    Col2    |    Col3    |    Col4   |   Ordering
ABC    |   78945    |    8345    |    XYZ    |    1


Column1  | Column2    |    Column3    
FOO      |   BAR      |    8345    

注意 cases 需要对记录进行排序,因为由此生成的 NewOrder 需要更新 RecordsTable

您正在更新您的 CTE 中涉及的 table 之一,但您没有在更新期间将其链接到 CTE。因此,您需要在更新语句中使用内部联接将源 table 联接回 CTE,如下所示:

--CTE here

 Update RecordsTable 
 Set RecordsTable.Ordering = t.NewOrder
 from recordstable r
 inner join t on
 r.Name = t.Col1 and r.Address = t.Col2

或者,您可以在 CTE 中包含名称、地址和订购列,然后像这样直接更新 CTE:

    with t as
    SELECT R.Col1, R.Col2, O.Column2, R.Name, R.Address, R.Ordering, row_number() 
        OVER (partition by R.Col3, R.Col4 
              ORDER BY
              CASE WHEN @Criteria = 'NA' then R.Col1 END ASC,
              CASE WHEN @Criteria = 'ND' then R.Col1 END DESC,
              CASE WHEN @Criteria = 'CA' then R.Col2 END ASC,
              CASE WHEN @Criteria = 'CD' then R.Col1 END DESC
             ) as NewOrder 
               From RecordsTable R innerjoin OtherTable O on R.Col2 = O.Column1
               where R.Col3 = @Col5Val
Update t
Set t.Ordering = t.NewOrder 
where t.Name = t.Col1 
and t.Address = t.Col2
