如何从 party::cforest() 获取 OOB 混淆矩阵?

How to get the OOB confusion matrix from `party::cforest()`?

randomForest 包中的 randomForest() 函数非常有用 provides the confusion matrix based on out-of-bag prediction in classification

partydoes not seem to provide this information. Searching for "confusion" in the party documentation did not yield anything useful, nor did searching here 中的 cforest() 函数。也许我忽略了什么?

有没有办法获得 party::cforest() 分类模型的 OOB 混淆矩阵?

我从 party.pdf


### honest (i.e., out-of-bag) cross-classification of
### true vs. predicted classes
data("mammoexp", package = "TH.data")
table(mammoexp$ME, predict(cforest(ME ~ ., data = mammoexp,
                                   control = cforest_unbiased(ntree = 50)),
                           OOB = TRUE))

                  Never Within a Year Over a Year
  Never           195            31           8
  Within a Year    57            46           1
  Over a Year      54            20           0

table(mammoexp$ME, predict(cforest(ME ~ ., data = mammoexp,
                                   control = cforest_unbiased(ntree = 50)),
                           OOB = FALSE))
  Never Within a Year Over a Year
  Never           212            22           0
  Within a Year    58            46           0
  Over a Year      54            17           3