
Calling non-static method reference on an object with an argument


// E: event listener interface, T: event class
class EventManager<E, T> {

    ArrayList<E> listeners = new ArrayList<E>();

    // `method` is some sort of reference to the method to call on each listener. There is no `MethodReference` type, I just put it there as I'm not sure what type should be in its place
    protected void notifyListeners(MethodReference method, T eventObj) {
        for (E listener : listeners) // call `method` from `listener` with `eventObj` as an argument

class SpecialisedEventManager extends EventManager<SomeListener, SomeEvent> {

    // Some method that would want to notify the listeners
    public void foo() {
        // I would like onEvent() to be called from each listener with new SomeEvent() as the argument
        notifyListeners(SomeListener::onEvent, new SomeEvent());

    // Some other method that would want to notify the listeners
    public void bar() {
        notifyListeners(SomeListener::onOtherEvent, new SomeEvent());


interface SomeListener {
    public void onEvent(SomeEvent event);
    public void onOtherEvent(SomeEvent event);

但我不确定如何引用 onEvent()onOtherEvent() 方法,以便使用适当的参数从每个侦听器对象调用它们。有什么想法吗?

方法引用只是实现功能接口的一种方式,因此您必须自己定义一个合适的接口或search the predefined types 进行匹配。

由于您的侦听器方法使用目标侦听器实例和事件对象,并且 return 没有值,因此 BiConsumer 是合适的类型:

protected void notifyListeners(BiConsumer<E,T> method, T eventObj) {
    for(E listener: listeners)
        method.accept(listener, eventObj);

方法引用 SomeListener::onEventSomeListener::onOtherEvent 具有 “Reference to an instance method of an arbitrary object” 的形式,其中调用者提供目标实例来调用方法,类似于 lambda 表达式 (l,e) -> l.onEvent(e) (l,e) -> l.onOtherEvent(e),这就是目标实例成为第一个功能参数的原因。