尝试与 TcpClient 连接时出现 SocketException

SocketException when attempting to connect with TcpClient

当我尝试创建一个新的 TcpClient 时,我得到一个 SocketException,这是我的代码:

public void TcpOpenConnection()
    // The next line is where the exception is occurring.
    tcpClient = new TcpClient(ipAddress, port);
    connected = true;

我在cmd中用netstat -a检查了端口是否打开,我什至做了另一个函数来检查端口是否打开:

public static bool PortCheck(int port)
    bool portOpen = false;

    IPGlobalProperties ipGlobalProperties = IPGlobalProperties.GetIPGlobalProperties();
    TcpConnectionInformation[] tcpConnInfo = ipGlobalProperties.GetActiveTcpConnections();

    foreach (var tcpConn in tcpConnInfo)
        if (tcpConn.LocalEndPoint.Port == port)
            portOpen = true;
    return portOpen;

其中 returns 正确。我得到的异常是 SocketException,它表示我尝试连接的机器正在主动拒绝连接。这里可能是什么问题?我也尝试过其他端口,但没有成功。


The exception that I am getting is a SocketException and it is saying the machine I am trying to connect to is actively refusing the connection.


  • 服务器网络的路由器未正确进行端口转发
  • 路由器的防火墙/服务器的防火墙阻止了连接
  • 服务器和客户端使用的端口不同
  • 服务器配置错误


如果端口打开并且您尝试连接。你得到 SocketException 因为没有任何东西可以获取客户端连接。

因此您需要在此端口上托管一个 Tcplistner。

static void StartServer()
    int port = 150;

    TcpListener listner = new TcpListener(IPAddress.Any, port);
    // This line waits the client connection.
    TcpClient remote_client = listner.AcceptTcpClient();

    // do something with remote_client.


static void StartClient()
   int port = 150;
   IPAddress ip = IPAddress.Parse("");

   TcpClient client = new TcpClient();
   client.Connect(ip, port);

   // Do something with client.