
Integer sequence of chars from user-defined literal taking strings as parameters


template <char...> double operator "" _x();
// Later
1.3_x; // OK
"1.3"_y; // C++14 does not allow a _y user-
         // defined operator to parse that as a template of chars

有没有一种聪明的方法可以使用用户定义的文字生成 std::integer_sequence 个字符。换句话说,_y(const char*, std::size_t) 的代码是什么,所以我最终得到 std::integer_sequence<char, '1', '.', '3'>?

在这个时间点,我们能(便携地)做的最好的事情就是演示 for vtmpl::string 的宏技巧。基本上,我们创建一个访问列表,例如

"abcd" -> {(0 < sizeof "abcd"? "abcd"[0] : 0), (1 < sizeof "abcd"? "abcd"[1] : 0), ...}


第一步很容易通过 BOOST_PP_ENUM, although recursive macros are also fine (definition from here):

#define VTMPL_SPLIT_1(s, x, m) m(s, x)
#define VTMPL_SPLIT_4(s, x, m)    VTMPL_SPLIT_1  (s, x, m), VTMPL_SPLIT_1  (s, x+1  , m), VTMPL_SPLIT_1  (s, x+2  , m), VTMPL_SPLIT_1  (s, x+3  , m)
#define VTMPL_SPLIT_16(s, x, m)   VTMPL_SPLIT_4  (s, x, m), VTMPL_SPLIT_4  (s, x+4  , m), VTMPL_SPLIT_4  (s, x+8  , m), VTMPL_SPLIT_4  (s, x+12 , m)
#define VTMPL_SPLIT_64(s, x, m)   VTMPL_SPLIT_16 (s, x, m), VTMPL_SPLIT_16 (s, x+16 , m), VTMPL_SPLIT_16 (s, x+32 , m), VTMPL_SPLIT_16 (s, x+48 , m)
#define VTMPL_SPLIT_256(s, x, m)  VTMPL_SPLIT_64 (s, x, m), VTMPL_SPLIT_64 (s, x+64 , m), VTMPL_SPLIT_64 (s, x+128, m), VTMPL_SPLIT_64 (s, x+194, m)
#define VTMPL_SPLIT_1024(s, x, m) VTMPL_SPLIT_256(s, x, m), VTMPL_SPLIT_256(s, x+256, m), VTMPL_SPLIT_256(s, x+512, m), VTMPL_SPLIT_256(s, x+768, m)


#define VTMPL_STRING_IMPL(str, n) vtmpl::rtrim<vtmpl::value_list<decltype(*str), VTMPL_SPLIT_##n(str, 0, VTMPL_ARRAY_SPLIT)>>::type
#define VTMPL_STRING(str) VTMPL_STRING_IMPL(str, 64  )

其中 rtrimalgorithms.hxx 中定义。