如何在 go 中实现可比较的接口?

How can I implement comparable interface in go?

我最近开始学习围棋并面临下一个问题。我想实现 Comparable 接口。我有下一个代码:

type Comparable interface {
    compare(Comparable) int
type T struct {
    value int
func (item T) compare(other T) int {
    if item.value < other.value {
        return -1
    } else if item.value == other.value {
        return 0
    return 1
func doComparison(c1, c2 Comparable) {
func main() {
    doComparison(T{1}, T{2})


cannot use T literal (type T) as type Comparable in argument to doComparison:
    T does not implement Comparable (wrong type for compare method)
        have compare(T) int
        want compare(Comparable) int

而且我想我理解 T 没有实现 Comparable 的问题,因为比较方法将 T 作为参数而不是 Comparable.



compare(Comparable) int


func (item T) compare(other T) int {(其他 T 而不是其他 Comparable)


func (item T) compare(other Comparable) int {
    otherT, ok := other.(T) //  getting  the instance of T via type assertion.
    if !ok{
        //handle error (other was not of type T)
    if item.value < otherT.value {
        return -1
    } else if item.value == otherT.value {
        return 0
    return 1