
How to write unit test for a method without input and output?

我的项目是一个机器人 telegram.I 有一个名为 Mainclass 的 class。我想测试它的一个方法 (SubmitNewsGetType)。这个方法没有输入output.This 方法检查从用户收到的消息并发送合适的 response.This 是我对 class 和方法的定义。

public class MainClass
    enum state : int
        _firstState = 0,
        _submitNewsGetType = 1,
        _submitNewsGetNews = 11,
        _reservationGym = 2, 
        _reservationGymGetSans = 22, 
        _pollingForFood = 3, 
        _appointment = 4, 
        _cancelingReservation = 5, 
        _cancelingAppointment = 6, 
        Registeration = 7 

    public TelegramBot bot;
    private  int stateBot;
    public Message sendMessage;
    private  string tempString;
    public  Message message;
    private  MessageTarget target;

    public void SubmitNewsGetType()
        if (message.Text.Contains("/submitnews"))
           sendMessage = bot.SendMessage(target, "Please select a type news: \n/Elmi\n/Farhangi\n/Honari\n/Amoozeshi\n/Varzeshi\n\n/Return");
        else if (message.Text.Contains("/Elmi") ||
                 message.Text.Contains("/Farhangi") ||
                 message.Text.Contains("/Honari") ||
                 message.Text.Contains("/Amoozeshi") ||
           sendMessage = bot.SendMessage(target, "Please enter your news: \n\n/Return");

            stateBot = (int)state._submitNewsGetNews;
            tempString = message.Text;
            bot.SendMessage(target, "Non definded! Please select a type news: \n/Elmi\n/Farhangi\n/Honari\n/Amoozeshi\n/Varzeshi\n\n/Return");


public void SubmitNewsGetNews_Test()
    MainClass instance = new MainClass();
    Message mess_output;

    //How to set value for a Message type??
    //This line get error
    Message mess_input="/submitnews"
    string expected="Please select a type news: \n/Elmi\n/Farhangi\n/Honari\n/Amoozeshi\n/Varzeshi\n\n/Return";

    if (mess_input is "/submitnews")
        mess_output= a.sendMessage;
    else if (mess_input is "/elmi" or "/farhangi" or ...)
    else if ....

尝试将 Message mess_input="/submitnews" 更改为 Message mess_input = new Message("/submitnews"); 另外,您在出现错误的行中缺少分号。

这里有一个 link 解释得更多: https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/system.messaging.message(v=vs.110).aspx

  1. 创建涵盖 TelegramBot 功能的接口并使 TelegramBot 实现它。
interface ITelegramBot
    Message SendMessage(MessageTarget target, string msg);
  1. bot 成员的类型更改为 ITelegramBot
public ITelegramBot bot;
  1. 创建 "Fake" class 个 TelegramBot
class TelegramBotFake : ITelegramBot
    public Message ReturnMessage { get; set; }
    public string SendedMessage { get; set; }

    public Message SendMessage(MessageTarget target, string msg)
        this.SendedMessage = msg;
        return this.ReturnMessage;
  1. 测试。尽量让任何逻辑操作远离测试方法。任何逻辑都可能包含bug,测试方法中的bug很难发现。
    为您的方法中的每个可能结果创建自己的测试 - 您将需要不止一个...
public void SubmitNewsGetNews_MessageContainsSubmitItems_SendPleaseSelectType()
    const string SUBMITITEMS = "/submitnews";
    TelegramBotFake fakebot = new TelegramBotFake();
    MainClass instance = new MainClass();
    instance.bot = fakebot; //Assign our fake bot
    instance.message.Text = SUBMITITEMS;
    string expected = "Please select a type news: \n/Elmi\n/Farhangi\n/Honari\n/Amoozeshi\n/Varzeshi\n\n/Return";


    //By checking faking bot.SendedMessage we sure that right method was executed
    Assert.AreEqual(instance.bot.SendedMessage, expected);