在 Mailkit 中回复邮件

Reply to a Mail in Mailkit

我正在为我的项目使用 Mailkit 库 (Imap)。

我可以轻松地通过 SmtpClient 发送新消息。


@jstedfast 谢谢你的精彩 :)


  1. 在回复邮件中,如果您要回复的邮件中不存在前缀,则您需要在 Subject header 前加上 "Re: " 前缀(在换句话说,如果您回复的消息的 Subject"Re: party tomorrow night!",您将 而不是 加上另一个 "Re: ") 的前缀。
  2. 您需要将回复邮件的 In-Reply-To header 设置为原始邮件中 Message-Id header 的值。
  3. 您需要将原始消息的 References header 复制到回复消息的 References header 中,然后附加原始消息的 Message-Id header.
  4. 您可能希望在回复中 "quote" 原始消息的文本。


public static MimeMessage Reply (MimeMessage message, bool replyToAll)
    var reply = new MimeMessage ();

    // reply to the sender of the message
    if (message.ReplyTo.Count > 0) {
        reply.To.AddRange (message.ReplyTo);
    } else if (message.From.Count > 0) {
        reply.To.AddRange (message.From);
    } else if (message.Sender != null) {
        reply.To.Add (message.Sender);

    if (replyToAll) {
        // include all of the other original recipients - TODO: remove ourselves from these lists
        reply.To.AddRange (message.To);
        reply.Cc.AddRange (message.Cc);

    // set the reply subject
    if (!message.Subject.StartsWith ("Re:", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))
        reply.Subject = "Re:" + message.Subject;
        reply.Subject = message.Subject;

    // construct the In-Reply-To and References headers
    if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty (message.MessageId)) {
        reply.InReplyTo = message.MessageId;
        foreach (var id in message.References)
            reply.References.Add (id);
        reply.References.Add (message.MessageId);

    // quote the original message text
    using (var quoted = new StringWriter ()) {
        var sender = message.Sender ?? message.From.Mailboxes.FirstOrDefault ();

        quoted.WriteLine ("On {0}, {1} wrote:", message.Date.ToString ("f"), !string.IsNullOrEmpty (sender.Name) ? sender.Name : sender.Address);
        using (var reader = new StringReader (message.TextBody)) {
            string line;

            while ((line = reader.ReadLine ()) != null) {
                quoted.Write ("> ");
                quoted.WriteLine (line);

        reply.Body = new TextPart ("plain") {
            Text = quoted.ToString ()

    return reply;

注意:此代码假定 message.TextBody 不为空。有可能,尽管不太可能发生这种情况(这意味着消息不包含 text/plain body)。