MVC 5 FileContentResult 操作结果权限和重定向

MVC 5 FileContentResult Action Result Permission and Redirect

我有一个 MVC 5 应用程序,允许用户下载存储在数据库中的文件。我正在使用 FileContentResult 操作方法来执行此操作。

我可以在整个应用程序中限制对此方法的访问,但聪明的用户可以弄清楚操作 URL 并粘贴类似这样的内容 (localhost:50000/Home/FileDownload?id=13)进入他们的浏览器,只需更改参数即可下载任何文件。


我正在寻找的是,如果用户使用 URL 下载文件但没有适当的权限,我想通过消息重定向用户。

我想执行类似于下面的代码或类似的操作,但出现以下错误:无法将类型 'System.Web.Mvc.RedirectToRouteResult' 隐式转换为 'System.Web.Mvc.FileContentResult'

我知道我不能在这里使用 return RedirectToAction("Index"),只是寻找一些关于如何处理这个问题的想法。

    public FileContentResult FileDownload(int id)
        //Check user has file download permission
        bool UserHasPermission = Convert.ToInt32(context.CheckUserHasFileDownloadPermission(id)) == 0 ? false : true;

        if (User.IsInRole("Administrator") || UserHasPermission)
            //declare byte array to get file content from database and string to store file name
            byte[] fileData;
            string fileName;
            //create object of LINQ to SQL class

            //using LINQ expression to get record from database for given id value
            var record = from p in context.UploadedFiles
                         where p.Id == id
                         select p;
            //only one record will be returned from database as expression uses condtion on primary field
            //so get first record from returned values and retrive file content (binary) and filename
            fileData = (byte[])record.First().FileData.ToArray();
            fileName = record.First().FileName;
            //return file and provide byte file content and file name

            return File(fileData, "text", fileName);
            TempData["Message"] = "Record not found";

            return RedirectToAction("Index");

由于 FileContentResultRedirectToRouteResult 都是从 ActionResult 继承而来的,只需使用 ActionResult 而不是 FileContentResult 作为您操作的 return 类型:

public ActionResult FileDownload(int id)
    if(IsUserCanDownloadFile()) // your logic here
        // fetch the file
        return File(fileData, "text", fileName);
    return RedirectToAction("Index");



public class FileAccessAttribute : AuthorizeAttribute
    private string _keyName;

    public FileAccessAttribute (string keyName)
        _keyName = keyName;

    protected override bool AuthorizeCore(HttpContextBase httpContext)
        // imagine you have a service which could check the Permission
        return base.AuthorizeCore(httpContext) 
            || (this.ContainsKey
                && _permissionService.CanDownload(httpContext.User.Identity.GetUserId(),

    private bool ContainsKey
            // for simplicity I just check route data 
            // in real world you might need to check query string too 
            return ((MvcHandler)HttpContext.Current.Handler).RequestContext
    private object KeyValue
            return ((MvcHandler)HttpContext.Current.Handler)


[FileAccess("id", Roles ="Administrator")]
public FileContentResult FileDownload(int id)
    // fetch the file
    return File(fileData, "text", fileName);