Azure 事件中心可靠吗?

Is Azure Event Hub reliable?

Azure 事件中心是否可靠,或者它可能会丢弃事件?我无法从文档中判断它是否只对可以删除事件的用例有用,例如温度读数,或者它是否对不能删除事件的场景有用。

Event Hub 可让您实现至少一次的大规模消息传递(请参阅博客 post Event Processor Host Best Practices Part 1). This is achieved through the use of a checkpointing mechanism that tracks the last message you have processed, enabling you to restart receiving at the latest checkpoint. This does require you to write some code to manage the checkpointing mechanism, but this is greatly simplified through the use of the EventProcessorHost class 中描述的博客 post。