
Will the attempt to read an improper value into a variable change its value?

如果存在 iostat 关键字,则程序不会在出现 I/O 错误时停止。然后,如果我尝试将不正确的值读入标量变量,i 说,这个变量会保持不变吗?以下似乎有效:

program test
   integer :: i, stat

   i = 1

      write (*, "('i = ')", advance='no')
      read (*, *, iostat=stat) i

      if (stat .eq. 0) then
         write (*, "('Valid integer. i has been set to ', I0)") i
         write (*, "('Bad integer. i is still ', I0)") i
      end if
   end do
end program test

我可以依赖 Fortran 2003 中的这种行为吗?


Fortran 2008,9.11.2

If an error condition occurs during execution of an input/output statement that contains either an ERR= specifier or an IOSTAT= specifier then:


if the statement is a READ statement or the error condition occurs in a wait operation for a transfer initiated by a READ statement, all input items or namelist group objects in the statement that initiated the transfer become undefined;