
How to implement atoi using SIMD?

我想尝试使用 SIMD 指令编写 atoi 实现,以包含在 RapidJSON(C++ JSON reader/writer 库)中。它目前在其他地方有一些SSE2和SSE4.2的优化。

如果是速度增益,多个 atoi 结果可以并行完成。字符串最初来自 JSON 数据缓冲区,因此 multi-atoi 函数必须执行任何所需的调配。


  1. 我可以按以下方式初始化长度为 N 的向量: [10^N..10^1]
  2. 我将缓冲区中的每个字符转换为一个整数,并将它们放在另一个向量中。
  3. 我将有效数字向量中的每个数字与数字向量中的匹配数字相乘,然后对结果求和。

我的目标是 x86 和 x86-64 架构。

我知道 AVX2 支持三操作数融合乘加,所以我将能够执行 Sum = Number * Significant Digit + Sum。
是否有使用任何 SIMD 指令集的 atoi 参考实现?


  1. 将累加器初始化为0。
  2. 将字符串的下四个字符加载到 SSE 寄存器中。
  3. 从每个字符中减去值 '0'
  4. 找到向量中第一个无符号值大于9的值。
  5. 如果找到一个值,将向量的分量向右移动,这样在上一步中找到的值就被移出。
  6. 加载一个包含十次幂的向量(1000100101)并与之相乘。
  7. 计算向量中所有条目的总和。
  8. 将累加器乘以适当的值(取决于步骤 5 中的移位数)并添加向量。您可以为此使用 FMA 指令,但我不知道是否存在针对整数的此类指令。
  9. 如果在第四步中没有发现大于 9 的值,则转到第二步。
  10. Return 累加器。

您可以简化算法,方法是将第 5 步中以错误数字开头的所有条目清零,而不是移动,然后最后除以 10 的适当次方。

请记住,此算法会读取字符串末尾,因此不能直接替代 atoi

算法及其实现到此结束。它是完整的并经过(适度)测试(更新以减少持续内存使用和容忍 plus-char)。


  • 适用于 intuint, 从 MIN_INT=-2147483648MAX_INT=2147483647 和 从 MIN_UINT=0MAX_UINT=4294967295
  • 前导 '-' 字符表示负数(合理),前导 '+' 字符被忽略
  • 忽略前导零(带或不带符号字符)
  • 溢出被忽略 - 更大的数字只是回绕
  • 零长度字符串导致值 0 = -0
  • 识别出无效字符,转换在第一个无效字符处结束
  • 最后一个前导零之后的至少 16 个字节必须是可访问的,并且在 EOS 之后读取可能的安全隐患留给调用者
  • 只需要SSE4.2


  • 此代码示例可以 运行 与 GNU 汇编程序(as) 在开头使用 .intel_syntax noprefix
  • 常量的数据占用空间为 64 字节(4*128 位 XMM),相当于一个缓存行。
  • 代码足迹是 46 条指令,具有 51 个微操作和 64 个周期延迟
  • 一个循环用于删除前导零,否则除了错误处理之外没有跳转,所以...
  • 时间复杂度为 O(1)


- Pointer to number string is expected in ESI
- Check if first char is '-', then indicate if negative number in EDX (**A**)
- Check for leading zeros and EOS (**B**)
- Check string for valid digits and get strlen() of valid chars (**C**)
- Reverse string so that power of 
  10^0 is always at BYTE 15
  10^1 is always at BYTE 14
  10^2 is always at BYTE 13
  10^3 is always at BYTE 12
  10^4 is always at BYTE 11 
  and mask out all following chars (**D**)
- Subtract saturated '0' from each of the 16 possible chars (**1**)
- Take 16 consecutive byte-values and and split them to WORDs 
  in two XMM-registers (**2**)
  P O N M L K J I  | H G F E D C B A ->
    H   G   F   E  |   D   C   B   A (XMM0)
    P   O   N   M  |   L   K   J   I (XMM1)
- Multiply each WORD by its place-value modulo 10000 (1,10,100,1000)
  (factors smaller then MAX_WORD, 4 factors per QWORD/halfXMM)
  (**2**) so we can horizontally combine twice before another multiply.
  The PMADDWD instruction can do this and the next step:
- Horizontally add adjacent WORDs to DWORDs (**3**)
  H*1000+G*100  F*10+E*1  |  D*1000+C*100  B*10+A*1 (XMM0)
  P*1000+O*100  N*10+M*1  |  L*1000+K*100  J*10+I*1 (XMM1)
- Horizontally add adjacent DWORDs from XMM0 and XMM1 to XMM0 (**4**)
  xmmDst[31-0]   = xmm0[63-32]  + xmm0[31-0]
  xmmDst[63-32]  = xmm0[127-96] + xmm0[95-64]
  xmmDst[95-64]  = xmm1[63-32]  + xmm1[31-0]
  xmmDst[127-96] = xmm1[127-96] + xmm1[95-64]
- Values in XMM0 are multiplied with the factors (**5**)
  P*1000+O*100+N*10+M*1 (DWORD factor 1000000000000 = too big for DWORD, but possibly useful for QWORD number strings)
  L*1000+K*100+J*10+I*1 (DWORD factor 100000000)
  H*1000+G*100+F*10+E*1 (DWORD factor 10000)
  D*1000+C*100+B*10+A*1 (DWORD factor 1)
- The last step is adding these four DWORDs together with 2*PHADDD emulated by 2*(PSHUFD+PADDD)
  - xmm0[31-0]  = xmm0[63-32]  + xmm0[31-0]   (**6**)
    xmm0[63-32] = xmm0[127-96] + xmm0[95-64]
      (the upper QWORD contains the same and is ignored)
  - xmm0[31-0]  = xmm0[63-32]  + xmm0[31-0]   (**7**)
- If the number is negative (indicated in EDX by 000...0=pos or 111...1=neg), negate it(**8**)

以及使用 intel 语法在 GNU 汇编程序中的示例实现:

.intel_syntax noprefix
  .align 64
    ddqDigitRange: .byte  '0','9',0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0
    ddqShuffleMask:.byte  15,14,13,12,11,10,9,8,7,6,5,4,3,2,1,0 
    ddqFactor1:    .word  1,10,100,1000, 1,10,100,1000  
    ddqFactor2:    .long  1,10000,100000000,0
   mov   esi, lpInputNumberString
   /* (**A**) indicate negative number in EDX */
   mov   eax, -1
   xor   ecx, ecx
   xor   edx, edx
   mov   bl,  byte ptr [esi]
   cmp   bl,  '-'
   cmove edx, eax
   cmp   bl,  '+'
   cmove ecx, eax
   sub   esi, edx
   sub   esi, ecx
   /* (**B**)remove leading zeros */
   xor   eax,eax               /* return value ZERO */
   inc   esi
   cmp   byte ptr [esi-1], '0'  /* skip leading zeros */
  je remove_leading_zeros
   cmp   byte ptr [esi-1], 0    /* catch empty string/number */
   dec   esi
   /* check for valid digit-chars and invert from front to back */
   pxor      xmm2, xmm2         
   movdqa    xmm0, xmmword ptr [ddqDigitRange]
   movdqu    xmm1, xmmword ptr [esi]
   pcmpistri xmm0, xmm1, 0b00010100 /* (**C**) iim8=Unsigned bytes, Ranges, Negative Polarity(-), returns strlen() in ECX */
  jo FINISH             /* if first char is invalid return 0 - prevent processing empty string - 0 is still in EAX */
   mov al , '0'         /* value to subtract from chars */
   sub ecx, 16          /* len-16=negative to zero for shuffle mask */
   movd      xmm0, ecx
   pshufb    xmm0, xmm2 /* broadcast CL to all 16 BYTEs */
   paddb     xmm0, xmmword ptr [ddqShuffleMask] /* Generate permute mask for PSHUFB - all bytes < 0 have highest bit set means place gets zeroed */
   pshufb    xmm1, xmm0 /* (**D**) permute - now from highest to lowest BYTE are factors 10^0, 10^1, 10^2, ... */
   movd      xmm0, eax                         /* AL='0' from above */
   pshufb    xmm0, xmm2                        /* broadcast AL to XMM0 */
   psubusb   xmm1, xmm0                        /* (**1**) */
   movdqa    xmm0, xmm1
   punpcklbw xmm0, xmm2                        /* (**2**) */
   punpckhbw xmm1, xmm2
   pmaddwd   xmm0, xmmword ptr [ddqFactor1]    /* (**3**) */
   pmaddwd   xmm1, xmmword ptr [ddqFactor1]
   phaddd    xmm0, xmm1                        /* (**4**) */
   pmulld    xmm0, xmmword ptr [ddqFactor2]    /* (**5**) */
   pshufd    xmm1, xmm0, 0b11101110            /* (**6**) */
   paddd     xmm0, xmm1
   pshufd    xmm1, xmm0, 0b01010101            /* (**7**) */
   paddd     xmm0, xmm1
   movd      eax, xmm0
   /* negate if negative number */              
   add       eax, edx                          /* (**8**) */
   xor       eax, edx
   /* EAX is return (u)int value */

Haswell 32 位 Intel-IACA 吞吐量分析结果:

Throughput Analysis Report
Block Throughput: 16.10 Cycles       Throughput Bottleneck: InterIteration

Port Binding In Cycles Per Iteration:
|  Port  |  0   -  DV  |  1   |  2   -  D   |  3   -  D   |  4   |  5   |  6   |  7   |
| Cycles | 9.5    0.0  | 10.0 | 4.5    4.5  | 4.5    4.5  | 0.0  | 11.1 | 11.4 | 0.0  |

N - port number or number of cycles resource conflict caused delay, DV - Divider pipe (on port 0)
D - Data fetch pipe (on ports 2 and 3), CP - on a critical path
F - Macro Fusion with the previous instruction occurred
* - instruction micro-ops not bound to a port
^ - Micro Fusion happened
# - ESP Tracking sync uop was issued
@ - SSE instruction followed an AVX256 instruction, dozens of cycles penalty is expected
! - instruction not supported, was not accounted in Analysis

| Num Of |                    Ports pressure in cycles                     |    |
|  Uops  |  0  - DV  |  1  |  2  -  D  |  3  -  D  |  4  |  5  |  6  |  7  |    |
|   0*   |           |     |           |           |     |     |     |     |    | xor eax, eax
|   0*   |           |     |           |           |     |     |     |     |    | xor ecx, ecx
|   0*   |           |     |           |           |     |     |     |     |    | xor edx, edx
|   1    |           | 0.1 |           |           |     |     | 0.9 |     |    | dec eax
|   1    |           |     | 0.5   0.5 | 0.5   0.5 |     |     |     |     | CP | mov bl, byte ptr [esi]
|   1    |           |     |           |           |     |     | 1.0 |     | CP | cmp bl, 0x2d
|   2    | 0.1       | 0.2 |           |           |     |     | 1.8 |     | CP | cmovz edx, eax
|   1    | 0.1       | 0.5 |           |           |     |     | 0.4 |     | CP | cmp bl, 0x2b
|   2    | 0.5       | 0.2 |           |           |     |     | 1.2 |     | CP | cmovz ecx, eax
|   1    | 0.2       | 0.5 |           |           |     |     | 0.2 |     | CP | sub esi, edx
|   1    | 0.2       | 0.5 |           |           |     |     | 0.3 |     | CP | sub esi, ecx
|   0*   |           |     |           |           |     |     |     |     |    | xor eax, eax
|   1    | 0.3       | 0.1 |           |           |     |     | 0.6 |     | CP | inc esi
|   2^   | 0.3       |     | 0.5   0.5 | 0.5   0.5 |     |     | 0.6 |     |    | cmp byte ptr [esi-0x1], 0x30
|   0F   |           |     |           |           |     |     |     |     |    | jz 0xfffffffb
|   2^   | 0.6       |     | 0.5   0.5 | 0.5   0.5 |     |     | 0.4 |     |    | cmp byte ptr [esi-0x1], 0x0
|   0F   |           |     |           |           |     |     |     |     |    | jz 0x8b
|   1    | 0.1       | 0.9 |           |           |     |     |     |     | CP | dec esi
|   1    |           |     | 0.5   0.5 | 0.5   0.5 |     |     |     |     |    | movdqa xmm0, xmmword ptr [0x80492f0]
|   1    |           |     | 0.5   0.5 | 0.5   0.5 |     |     |     |     | CP | movdqu xmm1, xmmword ptr [esi]
|   0*   |           |     |           |           |     |     |     |     |    | pxor xmm2, xmm2
|   3    | 2.0       | 1.0 |           |           |     |     |     |     | CP | pcmpistri xmm0, xmm1, 0x14
|   1    |           |     |           |           |     |     | 1.0 |     |    | jo 0x6e
|   1    |           | 0.4 |           |           |     | 0.1 | 0.5 |     |    | mov al, 0x30
|   1    | 0.1       | 0.5 |           |           |     | 0.1 | 0.3 |     | CP | sub ecx, 0x10
|   1    |           |     |           |           |     | 1.0 |     |     | CP | movd xmm0, ecx
|   1    |           |     |           |           |     | 1.0 |     |     | CP | pshufb xmm0, xmm2
|   2^   |           | 1.0 | 0.5   0.5 | 0.5   0.5 |     |     |     |     | CP | paddb xmm0, xmmword ptr [0x80492c0]
|   1    |           |     |           |           |     | 1.0 |     |     | CP | pshufb xmm1, xmm0
|   1    |           |     |           |           |     | 1.0 |     |     |    | movd xmm0, eax
|   1    |           |     |           |           |     | 1.0 |     |     |    | pshufb xmm0, xmm2
|   1    |           | 1.0 |           |           |     |     |     |     | CP | psubusb xmm1, xmm0
|   0*   |           |     |           |           |     |     |     |     | CP | movdqa xmm0, xmm1
|   1    |           |     |           |           |     | 1.0 |     |     | CP | punpcklbw xmm0, xmm2
|   1    |           |     |           |           |     | 1.0 |     |     |    | punpckhbw xmm1, xmm2
|   2^   | 1.0       |     | 0.5   0.5 | 0.5   0.5 |     |     |     |     | CP | pmaddwd xmm0, xmmword ptr [0x80492d0]
|   2^   | 1.0       |     | 0.5   0.5 | 0.5   0.5 |     |     |     |     |    | pmaddwd xmm1, xmmword ptr [0x80492d0]
|   3    |           | 1.0 |           |           |     | 2.0 |     |     | CP | phaddd xmm0, xmm1
|   3^   | 2.0       |     | 0.5   0.5 | 0.5   0.5 |     |     |     |     | CP | pmulld xmm0, xmmword ptr [0x80492e0]
|   1    |           |     |           |           |     | 1.0 |     |     | CP | pshufd xmm1, xmm0, 0xee
|   1    |           | 1.0 |           |           |     |     |     |     | CP | paddd xmm0, xmm1
|   1    |           |     |           |           |     | 1.0 |     |     | CP | pshufd xmm1, xmm0, 0x55
|   1    |           | 1.0 |           |           |     |     |     |     | CP | paddd xmm0, xmm1
|   1    | 1.0       |     |           |           |     |     |     |     | CP | movd eax, xmm0
|   1    |           |     |           |           |     |     | 1.0 |     | CP | add eax, edx
|   1    |           |     |           |           |     |     | 1.0 |     | CP | xor eax, edx
Total Num Of Uops: 51

Haswell 32 位 Intel-IACA 延迟分析结果:

Latency Analysis Report
Latency: 64 Cycles

N - port number or number of cycles resource conflict caused delay, DV - Divider pipe (on port 0)
D - Data fetch pipe (on ports 2 and 3), CP - on a critical path
F - Macro Fusion with the previous instruction occurred
* - instruction micro-ops not bound to a port
^ - Micro Fusion happened
# - ESP Tracking sync uop was issued
@ - Intel(R) AVX to Intel(R) SSE code switch, dozens of cycles penalty is expected
! - instruction not supported, was not accounted in Analysis

The Resource delay is counted since all the sources of the instructions are ready
and until the needed resource becomes available

| Inst |                 Resource Delay In Cycles                  |    |
| Num  | 0  - DV | 1  | 2  - D  | 3  - D  | 4  | 5  | 6  | 7  | FE |    |
|  0   |         |    |         |         |    |    |    |    |    |    | xor eax, eax
|  1   |         |    |         |         |    |    |    |    |    |    | xor ecx, ecx
|  2   |         |    |         |         |    |    |    |    |    |    | xor edx, edx
|  3   |         |    |         |         |    |    |    |    |    |    | dec eax
|  4   |         |    |         |         |    |    |    |    | 1  | CP | mov bl, byte ptr [esi]
|  5   |         |    |         |         |    |    |    |    |    | CP | cmp bl, 0x2d
|  6   |         |    |         |         |    |    |    |    |    | CP | cmovz edx, eax
|  7   |         |    |         |         |    |    |    |    |    | CP | cmp bl, 0x2b
|  8   |         |    |         |         |    |    | 1  |    |    | CP | cmovz ecx, eax
|  9   |         |    |         |         |    |    |    |    |    | CP | sub esi, edx
| 10   |         |    |         |         |    |    |    |    |    | CP | sub esi, ecx
| 11   |         |    |         |         |    |    |    |    | 3  |    | xor eax, eax
| 12   |         |    |         |         |    |    |    |    |    | CP | inc esi
| 13   |         |    |         |         |    |    |    |    |    |    | cmp byte ptr [esi-0x1], 0x30
| 14   |         |    |         |         |    |    |    |    |    |    | jz 0xfffffffb
| 15   |         |    |         |         |    |    |    |    |    |    | cmp byte ptr [esi-0x1], 0x0
| 16   |         |    |         |         |    |    |    |    |    |    | jz 0x8b
| 17   |         |    |         |         |    |    |    |    |    | CP | dec esi
| 18   |         |    |         |         |    |    |    |    | 4  |    | movdqa xmm0, xmmword ptr [0x80492f0]
| 19   |         |    |         |         |    |    |    |    |    | CP | movdqu xmm1, xmmword ptr [esi]
| 20   |         |    |         |         |    |    |    |    | 5  |    | pxor xmm2, xmm2
| 21   |         |    |         |         |    |    |    |    |    | CP | pcmpistri xmm0, xmm1, 0x14
| 22   |         |    |         |         |    |    |    |    |    |    | jo 0x6e
| 23   |         |    |         |         |    |    |    |    | 6  |    | mov al, 0x30
| 24   |         |    |         |         |    |    |    |    |    | CP | sub ecx, 0x10
| 25   |         |    |         |         |    |    |    |    |    | CP | movd xmm0, ecx
| 26   |         |    |         |         |    |    |    |    |    | CP | pshufb xmm0, xmm2
| 27   |         |    |         |         |    |    |    |    | 7  | CP | paddb xmm0, xmmword ptr [0x80492c0]
| 28   |         |    |         |         |    |    |    |    |    | CP | pshufb xmm1, xmm0
| 29   |         |    |         |         |    | 1  |    |    |    |    | movd xmm0, eax
| 30   |         |    |         |         |    | 1  |    |    |    |    | pshufb xmm0, xmm2
| 31   |         |    |         |         |    |    |    |    |    | CP | psubusb xmm1, xmm0
| 32   |         |    |         |         |    |    |    |    |    | CP | movdqa xmm0, xmm1
| 33   |         |    |         |         |    |    |    |    |    | CP | punpcklbw xmm0, xmm2
| 34   |         |    |         |         |    |    |    |    |    |    | punpckhbw xmm1, xmm2
| 35   |         |    |         |         |    |    |    |    | 9  | CP | pmaddwd xmm0, xmmword ptr [0x80492d0]
| 36   |         |    |         |         |    |    |    |    | 9  |    | pmaddwd xmm1, xmmword ptr [0x80492d0]
| 37   |         |    |         |         |    |    |    |    |    | CP | phaddd xmm0, xmm1
| 38   |         |    |         |         |    |    |    |    | 10 | CP | pmulld xmm0, xmmword ptr [0x80492e0]
| 39   |         |    |         |         |    |    |    |    |    | CP | pshufd xmm1, xmm0, 0xee
| 40   |         |    |         |         |    |    |    |    |    | CP | paddd xmm0, xmm1
| 41   |         |    |         |         |    |    |    |    |    | CP | pshufd xmm1, xmm0, 0x55
| 42   |         |    |         |         |    |    |    |    |    | CP | paddd xmm0, xmm1
| 43   |         |    |         |         |    |    |    |    |    | CP | movd eax, xmm0
| 44   |         |    |         |         |    |    |    |    |    | CP | add eax, edx
| 45   |         |    |         |         |    |    |    |    |    | CP | xor eax, edx

Resource Conflict on Critical Paths: 
|  Port  | 0  - DV | 1  | 2  - D  | 3  - D  | 4  | 5  | 6  | 7  |
| Cycles | 0    0  | 0  | 0    0  | 0    0  | 0  | 0  | 1  | 0  |

List Of Delays On Critical Paths
6 --> 8 1 Cycles Delay On Port6

Peter Cordes 在评论中建议的替代处理 是用 imul 替换最后两个 add+xor 指令。 OpCodes 的这种集中可能更好。 遗憾的是 IACA 不支持该指令并抛出 ! - instruction not supported, was not accounted in Analysis 评论。尽管如此,尽管我喜欢减少 OpCodes 并从 (2uops, 2c latency) 减少到 (1 uop, 3c latency - "worse latency, but still one m-op on AMD"),但我更愿意将选择的方式留给实施者。我还没有检查以下代码是否足以解析任何数字。只是为了完整性而提到,其他部分的代码修改可能是必要的(尤其是处理正数)。


  /* negate if negative number */              
   imul eax, edx
  /* EAX is return (u)int value */