运行 shell 渲染完成时的命令(After Effects)

Run shell command when render is complete (After Effects)

在 Adob​​e After effects 中完成渲染后,有没有办法以编程方式 运行 shell 命令?

试试这个代码。您唯一需要调查的是 (rq_item.status === RQItemStatus.DONE) 被调用两次的原因。

// Create a comp with a solid
var comp = app.project.items.addComp('test', 100, 100, 1, 1, 12);
comp.layers.addSolid([0.5, 0.5, 0.5], 'solid', 100, 100, 1, 1);
// Add the comp to the render queue
var rq_item = app.project.renderQueue.items.add(comp);
rq_item.outputModule(1).file = File('~/Desktop/out.mov');
rq_item.render = true;
// Set a function which will be called every frame when the comp will be rendering
// A boolean to be sure that the function called at the end is called once
var called = false;
rq_item.onStatusChanged = function() {
  while (rq_item.status === RQItemStatus.RENDERING) {
    // Is rendering...


  // When the render is finished
  if (!called && rq_item.status === RQItemStatus.DONE) {
    called = true;
    $.writeln('Done rendering');
    // test for Mac or Win
    var res = null;
    if($.os.charAt (0) === 'M'){
      res = system.callSystem('echo "Hello Mac World"');
      res = system.callSystem('cmd.exe /c echo "Hello Win World"');

// Launch the render

// If something goes wrong
app.onError = function(err) {
  $.writeln('ERROR ' + err);

从 After Effects 执行命令行

您可以使用 sysmte.callSystem(cmdLineToExecute) 函数执行命令行。请查看 After Effects Scripting Guide180 部分 System callSystem() 方法.

这是一个 echo 命令的例子:(callSystemreturn 命令行 return 的):

var commandOutput = system.callSystem("cmd.exe /c echo hi ");





var timeStr = system.callSystem("cmd.exe /c \"time /t\"");
alert("Current time is " + timeStr);


Curent time is 11:28

从 After Effects 打开命令行

现在,如果您想在另一个 window 中打开命令行,则必须像在命令行中一样设置 cmdLineToExecute

在 windows 上,如果你想在另一个 window 上打开命令行,你必须这样做:

start cmd.exe

所以如果你想从 After

system.callSystem("cmd.exe /c start cmd.exe ");

在 After Effects 中完成渲染后打开命令行

这是与@fabiantheblind 的回答的混合。

// Create a comp with a solid
var comp = app.project.items.addComp('test', 100, 100, 1, 1, 12);
comp.layers.addSolid([0.5, 0.5, 0.5], 'solid', 100, 100, 1, 1);
// Add the comp to the render queue
var rq_item = app.project.renderQueue.items.add(comp);
rq_item.outputModule(1).file = File('~/Desktop/out.mov');
rq_item.render = true;
// Set a function which will be called every frame when the comp will be rendering
// A boolean to be sure that the function called at the end is called once
var called = false;
rq_item.onStatusChanged = function() {
  while (rq_item.status === RQItemStatus.RENDERING) {
    // Is rendering...


  // When the render is finished
  if (!called && rq_item.status === RQItemStatus.DONE) {
    called = true;
    system.callSystem("cmd.exe /c start cmd.exe ");

// Launch the render

// If something goes wrong
app.onError = function(err) {
  $.writeln('ERROR ' + err);