Lucee ORM 没有数据源的 Session

Lucee ORM there is no Session for the datasource

我正在尝试在 Lucee 服务器中使用 ORM,但仍然出现错误 there is no Session for the datasource [mydatasource]。数据源确实存在并且连接有效,已在管理员中验证并使用 cfquery 进行了测试。



<cffunction name="onRequestStart" access="public" returntype="boolean" output="false">
    <cfset this.datasource = "rift" />
    <cfset this.ormEnabled = true />
    <cfsetting showdebugoutput="false" />
    <cfset this.ormsettings = { } />
    <!---<cfset this.ormsettings.dbcreate = "dropcreate" />--->
    <cfset this.ormsettings.logSQL = true />
    <cfset ORMReload() />
    <cfset testquery = ORMExecuteQuery("from test")>
    <cfreturn true />


ORMSettings 应该在伪构造函数中定义,所以我相信这就是导致您出现问题的原因。

<cfcomponent output="false">

    <!--- define orm settings --->
    <cfset this.datasource = "rift" />
    <cfset this.ormEnabled = true />
    <cfset this.ormsettings.logSQL = true />

    <cffunction name="onRequestStart" access="public" returntype="boolean" output="false">
        <cfif StructKeyExists(url, "reload")>
            <!--- you don't want to do this on every request --->
            <cfset ORMReload() />
        <cfset testquery = ORMExecuteQuery("from test")>
        <cfreturn true />


还要确保您已将 cfc 命名为 test.cfc 并且它已设置为持久性。