伪造的 Paket 访问被拒绝

Paket access denied on Fake

我在 Paket 尝试为我的项目打包 dll 时遇到问题,我刚得到一个 "Paket failed with: Access to the path is denied",我有以下配置

在 VisualStudio 的 postbuild 事件中,我调用了一个 bat 文件来调用 fake 脚本


@ECHO off


SET TargetName=%1
SET BuildMode=%2
SET SolutionDir=%~dp0

rem Get latests version of Paket
IF errorlevel 1 (
    ECHO error on paket.bootstrapper

rem Download the dependencies specified by the paket.lock file into the packages/ directory. 
"%~dp0.paket\paket.exe" restore
IF errorlevel 1 (
    ECHO error on paket.restore

rem ECHO Starting FAKE build.fsx
"%SolutionDir%packages\FAKE\tools\FAKE.exe" "%SolutionDir%buildPackage.fsx" -ev TargetName %TargetName% -ev BuildMode %BuildMode% -ev SolutionDir "%SolutionDir%


open Fake.AssemblyInfoFile
open System
open Paket

let TargetName = Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable("TargetName")    
let SolutionDir = Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable("SolutionDir")
let BuildMode = Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable("BuildMode")

let AssemblyFilePath = SolutionDir + TargetName + @"\Properties\AssemblyInfo.cs"
let PaketPath = SolutionDir + @".paket\paket.exe"
let PaketOutPath = @"X:\nuget\" + TargetName
let buildDir = SolutionDir + TargetName + @"\bin\Fake\" + BuildMode

let constantSolution = SolutionDir + TargetName + @"\" + TargetName + ".csproj"

let GetVersion = 
    GetAttributeValue "AssemblyVersion" AssemblyFilePath

Target "Clean" (fun _ ->
        Console.WriteLine ("Cleaning up")
        CleanDir buildDir

Target "BuildApp" (fun _ ->
    Console.WriteLine("Building application on " + buildDir)
    if BuildMode = "Debug" then MSBuildDebug buildDir "Build" !! constantSolution
                                    |> Log "AppBuild-Output:" 
    else MSBuildRelease buildDir "Build" !! constantSolution
            |>Log "AppBuild-Output"

Target "CreatePackage" (fun _ ->
    Pack (fun p ->
        {p with
            Version = GetVersion.Value
            OutputPath = PaketOutPath
            BuildConfig = BuildMode
            ToolPath = PaketPath
            TemplateFile = SolutionDir + TargetName
            BuildPlatform = "x86"
            WorkingDir = buildDir

    ==> "BuildApp"
    ==> "CreatePackage"

RunTargetOrDefault "CreatePackage"

我在这里完全迷路了,google 也无济于事,知道 paket 失败的原因吗? 在此先感谢,任何想法都会受到欢迎。

发现问题...在目标 "CreatePackage" 中,我在字段 TemplateFile 上使用该文件的路径,不包括文件的实际名称


Target "CreatePackage" (fun _ ->
    Pack (fun p ->
        {p with
            Version = GetVersion.Value
            OutputPath = PaketOutPath
            BuildConfig = BuildMode
            ToolPath = PaketPath
            TemplateFile = SolutionDir + TargetName + @"\paket.template"
            BuildPlatform = "x86"
            WorkingDir = buildDir