
Using a Variant Record by Pointer


提高 CONSTRAINT_ERROR : variant2.adb:21 判别检查失败

procedure Variant2 is

  type POWER is (NONE,GAS, STEAM);

  type VEHICLE (Engine : POWER := NONE) is
     Model_Year : INTEGER range 1888..1992;
     case Engine is
        when NONE   => null;
        when GAS    => Cylinders   : INTEGER range 1..16;
        when STEAM  => Boiler_Size : INTEGER range 5..22;
                       Coal_Burner : BOOLEAN;
     end case;
  end record;

 Works : VEHICLE;
 Works_Not : access VEHICLE := new VEHICLE;

   Works         := (GAS,1980,4); -- (1)
   Works_Not.all := (GAS,1981,8); -- (2)
end Variant2;

(1) 有效,但 (2) 无效


RM 明确指出 "If the designated type is composite, [...] the created object is constrained by its initial value (even if the designated subtype is unconstrained with defaults)." (RM 4.8(6/3))


Works_Not := new VEHICLE'(GAS,1981,8);

(当然,你应该先释放旧的访问值(见RM 13.11.2 Unchecked Storage Deallocation),但我把它留作练习)



with Ada.Text_IO;

procedure Array_Of_Aliased is

   type POWER is (NONE, GAS, STEAM);

   type VEHICLE(Engine : POWER := NONE) is
      Model_Year : Integer range 1888..1992;
      case Engine is
         when NONE => null;
         when GAS => Cylinders : INTEGER range 1..16;
         when STEAM => Boiler_Size : INTEGER range 5..22;
                       Coal_Burner : BOOLEAN;
      end case;
   end record;

   -- array of aliased elements
   type Vehicle_Array is array(1..5) of aliased VEHICLE;

   -- the access type need to be "all" or "constant" in order to access aliased values
   type Vehicle_Access is access all VEHICLE;

   Vehicles : Vehicle_Array;

   Works : Vehicle_Access;

   -- access to the first element of the array. Can't change discriminant this way...
   Works := Vehicles(1)'Access;


   -- However, using the array, we _can_ change the discriminant, since it's _not_ an access value
   Vehicles(1) := (STEAM, 1890, 20, True);
   Vehicles(2) := (GAS, 1981, 8);


   -- We can still update the record elements using the access value, as long as the discriminant stays the same
   Works.all := (STEAM, 1900, 15, False);

end Array_Of_Aliased;

正如 egilhh 所说,当您使用 new 分配判别式记录时,您无法更改您分配的记录的判别式,即使您可以为 变量 的类型(与分配的记录相反)。这条规则自 Ada 83 以来一直存在。我认为,其基本原理是它允许编译器在分配记录时优化 space。在您的示例中,如果我们假设所有字段(包括判别式)都是 1 个词,那么如果 ENGINE=NONE 则记录将是 2 个词,如果 ENGINE=GAS 则为 3 个词,如果 ENGINE=STEAM 则为 4 个词。当 Works_Not 被初始化时,它被初始化为一个 NONE,这意味着它可能只占用堆上的 2 个字(注意:编译器不需要以这种方式优化)。如果它只使用 2 个字,那么将记录重新分配给一个带有 ENGINE=GAS 的记录将是一场灾难——你会溢出你之前分配的区域,并踩踏其他数据。

这是否是一个好的语言设计决定,我不能说;我不知道需要多少编译器和多少应用程序才能利用此优化。 33 年前有人认为它会有用,他们一定有充分的理由这样想。

这个限制很烦人,但并非无法克服。我肯定 运行 之前多次使用它,但简单的答案是将它包装在另一条记录中。

type VEHICLE_DATA (Engine : POWER := NONE) is
   Model_Year : INTEGER range 1888..1992;
   case Engine is
      when NONE   => null;
      when GAS    => Cylinders   : INTEGER range 1..16;
      when STEAM  => Boiler_Size : INTEGER range 5..22;
                     Coal_Burner : BOOLEAN;
   end case;
end record;
type VEHICLE is record
    Data : VEHICLE_DATA;
end record;

Now_Works : access VEHICLE := new VEHICLE;  -- still sets ENGINE=NONE

Now_Works := (Data => (Gas, 1981, 8));  -- legal
Now_Works.Data := (Gas, 1981, 8);       -- legal, does the same thing

这些都可以,因为分配的记录是 VEHICLE,它不是判别记录。像这样更改子组件的判别式就可以了。我就是这样绕过规则的。