如何在 Jupyter 笔记本中将列表输出为 table?

How do I output lists as a table in Jupyter notebook?



data = [[1,2,3],

并且我想在 table 中输出此数据,例如

| 1 | 2 | 3 |
| 4 | 5 | 6 |
| 7 | 8 | 9 |

显然我可以使用 prettytable 之类的库或下载 pandas 或其他东西,但我对此非常不感兴趣。

我只想在我的 Jupyter 笔记本单元格中将我的行输出为 tables。我该怎么做?


def tableIt(data):
    for lin in data:
        for inlin in lin:
            print("|",str(inlin),"", end="")

data = [[1,2,3,2,3],[1,2,3,2,3],[1,2,3,2,3],[1,2,3,2,3]]



def print_matrix(list_of_list):
    number_width = len(str(max([max(i) for i in list_of_list])))
    cols = max(map(len, list_of_list))
    output = '+'+('-'*(number_width+2)+'+')*cols + '\n'
    for row in list_of_list:
        for column in row:
            output += '|' + ' {:^{width}d} '.format(column, width = number_width)
        output+='|\n+'+('-'*(number_width+2)+'+')*cols + '\n'
    return output


data = [[1,2,30],
print print_matrix(data)
    |   1   |   2   |  30   |
    |   4   | 23125 |   6   |
    |   7   |   8   |  999  |

我终于重新找到了我一直在寻找的 jupyter/IPython documentation


from IPython.display import HTML, display

data = [[1,2,3],

           '<td>{}</td>'.format('</td><td>'.join(str(_) for _ in row)) for row in data)

(我的理解可能有点混乱,但 display(HTML('some html here')) 是我们需要的)


import tabletext

data = [[1,2,30],

print tabletext.to_text(data)


│ 1 │     2 │  30 │
│ 4 │ 23125 │   6 │
│ 7 │     8 │ 999 │

我刚刚发现 tabulate 有一个 HTML 选项并且使用起来相当简单。

更新: 从 Jupyter v6 及更高版本开始,返回的 table 应该仅通过输出单元呈现:

import tabulate
data = [["Sun",696000,1989100000],
table = tabulate.tabulate(data, tablefmt='html')

至于 Jupyter v5 或更早版本,您可能需要更明确,类似于 Werner 的回答:

from IPython.display import HTML, display

仍在寻找一些简单易用的东西来创建更复杂的 table 布局,例如使用 Latex 语法和格式来合并单元格并在笔记本中进行变量替换:
Allow references to Python variables in Markdown cells #2958

一组通用函数,用于将任何 python 数据结构(字典和列表嵌套在一起)呈现为 HTML。

from IPython.display import HTML, display

def _render_list_html(l):
    o = []
    for e in l:
        o.append('<li>%s</li>' % _render_as_html(e))
    return '<ol>%s</ol>' % ''.join(o)

def _render_dict_html(d):
    o = []
    for k, v in d.items():
        o.append('<tr><td>%s</td><td>%s</td></tr>' % (str(k), _render_as_html(v)))
    return '<table>%s</table>' % ''.join(o)

def _render_as_html(e):
    o = []
    if isinstance(e, list):
    elif isinstance(e, dict):
    return '<html><body>%s</body></html>' % ''.join(o)

def render_as_html(e):

我以前也遇到过同样的问题。我找不到任何对我有帮助的东西,所以我最终制作了 class PrintTable-- 下面的代码。还有一个输出。用法很简单:

ptobj = PrintTable(yourdata, column_captions, column_widths, text_aligns)


PrintTable(yourdata, column_captions, column_widths, text_aligns).print()


  Name                                     | Column 1   | Column 2   | Column 3   | Column 4   | Column 5    
  Very long name 0                         |          0 |          0 |          0 |          0 |          0  
  Very long name 1                         |          1 |          2 |          3 |          4 |          5  
  Very long name 2                         |          2 |          4 |          6 |          8 |         10  
  Very long name 3                         |          3 |          6 |          9 |         12 |         15  
  Very long name 4                         |          4 |          8 |         12 |         16 |         20  
  Very long name 5                         |          5 |         10 |         15 |         20 |         25  
  Very long name 6                         |          6 |         12 |         18 |         24 |         30  
  Very long name 7                         |          7 |         14 |         21 |         28 |         35  
  Very long name 8                         |          8 |         16 |         24 |         32 |         40  
  Very long name 9                         |          9 |         18 |         27 |         36 |         45  
  Very long name 10                        |         10 |         20 |         30 |         40 |         50  
  Very long name 11                        |         11 |         22 |         33 |         44 |         55  
  Very long name 12                        |         12 |         24 |         36 |         48 |         60  
  Very long name 13                        |         13 |         26 |         39 |         52 |         65  
  Very long name 14                        |         14 |         28 |         42 |         56 |         70  
  Very long name 15                        |         15 |         30 |         45 |         60 |         75  
  Very long name 16                        |         16 |         32 |         48 |         64 |         80  
  Very long name 17                        |         17 |         34 |         51 |         68 |         85  
  Very long name 18                        |         18 |         36 |         54 |         72 |         90  
  Very long name 19                        |         19 |         38 |         57 |         76 |         95  


# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

# Class
class PrintTable:
    def __init__(self, values, captions, widths, aligns):
    if not all([len(values[0]) == len(x) for x in [captions, widths, aligns]]):
        raise Exception()
    self._tablewidth = sum(widths) + 3*(len(captions)-1) + 4
    self._values = values
    self._captions = captions
    self._widths = widths
    self._aligns = aligns

    def print(self):

    def _printTable(self):
    formattext_head = ""
    formattext_cell = ""
    for i,v in enumerate(self._widths):
        formattext_head += "{" + str(i) + ":<" + str(v) + "} | "
        formattext_cell += "{" + str(i) + ":" + self._aligns[i] + str(v) + "} | "
    formattext_head = formattext_head[:-3]
    formattext_head = "  " + formattext_head.strip() + "  "
    formattext_cell = formattext_cell[:-3]
    formattext_cell = "  " + formattext_cell.strip() + "  "

    for w in self._values:


# Demonstration

headername = ["Column {}".format(x) for x in range(6)]
headername[0] = "Name"
data = [["Very long name {}".format(x), x, x*2, x*3, x*4, x*5] for x in range(20)] 

PrintTable(data, \
       headername, \
       [70, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10], \

我想输出一个 table ,其中每列的宽度尽可能小, 其中列用白色 space 填充(但这可以更改)并且行由换行符分隔(但这可以更改)并且每个项目使用 str 格式化(但是...)。

def ftable(tbl, pad='  ', sep='\n', normalize=str):

    # normalize the content to the most useful data type
    strtbl = [[normalize(it) for it in row] for row in tbl] 

    # next, for each column we compute the maximum width needed
    w = [0 for _ in tbl[0]]
    for row in strtbl:
        for ncol, it in enumerate(row):
            w[ncol] = max(w[ncol], len(it))

    # a string is built iterating on the rows and the items of `strtbl`:
    #   items are  prepended white space to an uniform column width
    #   formatted items are `join`ed using `pad` (by default "  ")
    #   eventually we join the rows using newlines and return
    return sep.join(pad.join(' '*(wid-len(it))+it for wid, it in zip(w, row))
                                                      for row in strtbl)

函数签名 ftable(tbl, pad=' ', sep='\n', normalize=str) 及其默认参数旨在 提供最大的灵活性。


  • padding,
  • separator,(例如,pad='&', sep='\\\n' 有大量的 LaTeX table )
  • 用于规范化输入为普通字符串的函数 格式 --- 默认情况下,为了最大的通用性,它是 str 但如果 你知道你所有的数据都是浮点数 lambda item: "%.4f"%item 可能是一个合理的选择,等等


我需要一些测试数据,可能涉及不同宽度的列 所以算法需要更复杂一点(但只是一点点;)

In [1]: from random import randrange

In [2]: table = [[randrange(10**randrange(10)) for i in range(5)] for j in range(3)]

In [3]: table
[[974413992, 510, 0, 3114, 1],
 [863242961, 0, 94924, 782, 34],
 [1060993, 62, 26076, 75832, 833174]]

In [4]: print(ftable(table))
974413992  510      0   3114       1
863242961    0  94924    782      34
  1060993   62  26076  75832  833174

In [5]: print(ftable(table, pad='|'))
974413992|510|    0| 3114|     1
863242961|  0|94924|  782|    34
  1060993| 62|26076|75832|833174

有一个不错的技巧:用 pandas DataFrame 包装数据。

import pandas as pd
data = [[1, 2], [3, 4]]
pd.DataFrame(data, columns=["Foo", "Bar"])


  | Foo | Bar |
0 | 1   | 2   |
1 | 3   | 4   |

我最近使用 prettytable 渲染了一个漂亮的 ASCII table。它类似于 postgres CLI 输出。

import pandas as pd
from prettytable import PrettyTable

data = [[1,2,3],[4,5,6],[7,8,9]]
df = pd.DataFrame(data, columns=['one', 'two', 'three'])

def generate_ascii_table(df):
    x = PrettyTable()
    x.field_names = df.columns.tolist()
    for row in df.values:
    return x



| one | two | three |
|  1  |  2  |   3   |
|  4  |  5  |   6   |
|  7  |  8  |   9   |

如果您不介意使用一点 html,像这样的东西应该可以。

from IPython.display import HTML, display

def display_table(data):
    html = "<table>"
    for row in data:
        html += "<tr>"
        for field in row:
            html += "<td><h4>%s</h4></td>"%(field)
        html += "</tr>"
    html += "</table>"


data = [[1,2,3],[4,5,6],[7,8,9]]

您可以添加自己的格式化程序。 递归 是可选的,但非常好。

JupyterLite 试试这个:

from html import escape

fmtr = get_ipython().display_formatter.formatters['text/html']

def getfmtr(obj, func=None):
    if fmtr.for_type(type(obj)):
        return fmtr.for_type(type(obj))(obj)
        return escape(obj.__str__()).replace("\n", "<br>")

def strfmtr(obj):
    return escape(obj.__str__()).replace("\n", "<br>")

fmtr.for_type(str, strfmtr)

def listfmtr(self):
    _repr_ = []
    for item in self:
    return str().join(_repr_)

fmtr.for_type(list, listfmtr)

def dictfmtr(self):
    _repr_ = []
    for key in self:
    for key, value in self.items():
    return str().join(_repr_)

fmtr.for_type(dict, dictfmtr)

    "Jupyter is really cool!",
    [1, 2],
        {"Name": "Adams", "Age": 32},
        {"Name": "Baker", "Age": 32}