What are the problems with bottom up approach
我无法清楚地理解 自下而上 方法的问题,领域驱动设计 提倡这种方法。有人可以简单地写一下或在写作方向上轻推我吗?
我的意思是,在 Sql 世界中,我们有表表示的实体,它们有关系、约束等。那么现在 DDD 提出的以 类 作为实体开始的新方法对我们有何好处?但在此之前,如问题所示,我需要了解自下而上方法带来的问题。
在SapiensWorks Mike 解释得很好:
The Domain should not be tainted with infrastructure details. If you
start with the db (botton up approach), everything will evolve around
it and will be constrained by it. But you don't build the application
for the database, you build it for the Domain, the database is just a
Persistence implementation detail.
The domain is the reason the application exists and everything should
gravitates around it. The domain should not depend on anything,
especially not on a persistence implementation details. When you
design the Domain Entities, they should don't know anything about
我建议您先阅读完整的 post,然后再继续阅读此处。
如果您首先设计持久性模式,那么您没有考虑域;至少,不完全而且需要很深。您正在设计效率、冗余、规范化、关系等而不是行为,稍后您将创建适合该持久性方案的实体。突然间,您会发现在您的实体中所做的毫无意义、奇怪和奇怪的事情只是为了匹配持久性模式、持久性实现 and/or 持久性技术,除非您进行持久性重新设计的迭代。
为适应持久性和持久性重新设计迭代而设计的实体这两种方法都很糟糕。第一个因为糟糕的实体设计和 SOLID 中断;第二个因为是额外的工作和浪费时间。
How is the new approach of starting with classes as entities as
proposed by DDD will benifit us?
我无法清楚地理解 自下而上 方法的问题,领域驱动设计 提倡这种方法。有人可以简单地写一下或在写作方向上轻推我吗? 我的意思是,在 Sql 世界中,我们有表表示的实体,它们有关系、约束等。那么现在 DDD 提出的以 类 作为实体开始的新方法对我们有何好处?但在此之前,如问题所示,我需要了解自下而上方法带来的问题。
在SapiensWorks Mike 解释得很好:
The Domain should not be tainted with infrastructure details. If you start with the db (botton up approach), everything will evolve around it and will be constrained by it. But you don't build the application for the database, you build it for the Domain, the database is just a Persistence implementation detail.
The domain is the reason the application exists and everything should gravitates around it. The domain should not depend on anything, especially not on a persistence implementation details. When you design the Domain Entities, they should don't know anything about persistence.
我建议您先阅读完整的 post,然后再继续阅读此处。
如果您首先设计持久性模式,那么您没有考虑域;至少,不完全而且需要很深。您正在设计效率、冗余、规范化、关系等而不是行为,稍后您将创建适合该持久性方案的实体。突然间,您会发现在您的实体中所做的毫无意义、奇怪和奇怪的事情只是为了匹配持久性模式、持久性实现 and/or 持久性技术,除非您进行持久性重新设计的迭代。
为适应持久性和持久性重新设计迭代而设计的实体这两种方法都很糟糕。第一个因为糟糕的实体设计和 SOLID 中断;第二个因为是额外的工作和浪费时间。
How is the new approach of starting with classes as entities as proposed by DDD will benifit us?