srcset 和 sizes 是指设备像素还是布局像素?

Do srcset and sizes refer to device pixels or layout pixels?

关于响应式图片的 <img srcset=".." sizes=".."/> html 标签 + 属性的问题。


(理想情况下,我希望根据设备上的像素密度提供不同的 jpg 质量。Retina = 低质量,高分辨率。但这可能是一个单独的问题)

此处为完整场景:Responsive img/srcset/sizes: Different jpg quality depending on device pixel density?

编辑:当我说 "device pixels" 时,我的意思是设备上的物理像素。

But the question is, how does the browser pick one of the provided images? Based on device pixels, or based on css pixels?


Does the media query in the sizes attribute refer to device pixels or to layout pixels? Do image width px in the sizes attribute refer to device pixels or to layout pixels?

这些都是 CSS 像素。