使用 LetsEncrypt.org SSL 证书签署 Visual Studio 应用程序

Signing a Visual Studio app with LetsEncrypt.org SSL certificate

我对数字签名还很陌生,我正试图让我的 .NET 应用程序在不同计算机上的人 运行 时显得安全。我已经为自己生成了一个 Let's Encrypt certificate and it works as expected on my web page. Following various resources I converted the certificate to PFX 并尝试将其用于数字签名,但随后 VS 大喊 "The selected certificate file is not valid for code signing"。当我在我的 EXE 文件上 运行 SignTool 时,我得到一个错误 "No certificates were found that met all the given criteria" 并且调试显示我的证书没有通过 EKU 过滤器。


LetsEncrypt 仅适用于 "certificates only for TLS server authentication, and not for any other purpose"。它们不支持代码签名证书。 https://community.letsencrypt.org/t/code-signing-certificates/815https://community.letsencrypt.org/t/do-you-support-code-signing/370