R5RS Scheme 输入输出:如何将 write/append 文本输出到文件?

R5RS Scheme input-output: How to write/append text to an output file?

在 R5RS 兼容版本的 Scheme 中将文本输出到文件的简单方法是什么? 我使用麻省理工学院的 MEEP(它使用 Scheme 编写脚本)并且我想将文本输出到文件。我在 Whosebug 上找到了以下其他答案:

File I/O operations - Scheme

How to append to a file using Scheme


Charlie Martin、Ben Rudgers 和 Vijay Mathew 的回答非常有帮助,但我想给出一个简单易懂的答案,对于像我这样的新策划者来说:)

; This call opens a file in the append mode (it will create a file if it doesn't exist)
(define my-file (open-file "my-file-name.txt" "a"))

; You save text to a variable
(define my-text-var1 "This is some text I want in a file")
(define my-text-var2 "This is some more text I want in a file")

; You can output these variables or just text to the file above specified
; You use string-append to tie that text and a new line character together.
(display (string-append my-text-var1 "\r\n" my-file))
(display (string-append my-text-var2 "\r\n" my-file))
(display (string-append "This is some other text I want in the file" "\r\n" my-file))

; Be sure to close the file, or your file will not be updated.
(close-output-port my-file)


What is the difference between \r and \n?
