
Does signalr create connection for each hub inside same app or all the hubs share same connection?

如果答案是每个集线器都有自己的连接,那么这些连接到底有多贵,假设我们有 3 个集线器连接 3 万个用户,如果我将它们减少到一个集线器真的会有性能提升吗?

From docs :

Each connection object that you create encapsulates information about a connection to a SignalR service that contains one or more Hub classes. To communicate with a Hub class, you use a proxy object which you create yourself (if you're not using the generated proxy) or which is generated for you.


All clients will use the same URL to establish a SignalR connection with your service ("/signalr" or your custom URL if you specified one), and that connection is used for all Hubs defined by the service.