使用 Express/Node.js 和 Angular 处理取消的请求

Handling cancelled request with Express/Node.js and Angular

当挂起的 HTTP 请求被 client/browser 取消时,Node with Express 似乎会继续处理该请求。对于密集请求,CPU 仍然忙于处理不必要的请求。

有没有办法让 Node.js/Express 去 kill/stop 这些请求取消的未决请求?

它变得特别有用,因为 AngularJS 1.5 HTTP 请求很容易 cancellable 通过在 $http/$resource 对象上调用 $cancelRequest()

公开为自动完成或搜索字段提供结果的 API 方法时可能会发生此类取消:在要自动完成或提前输入的字段中键入时,可以取消先前的请求。


您可以为服务器上的请求设置 timeout

var server = app.listen(app.get('port'), function() {
  debug('Express server listening on port ' + server.address().port);
// Set the timeout for a request to 1sec
server.timeout = 1000;

已注入 req对象随侦听器一起提供 .on()

侦听 close 事件允许在客户端关闭连接时进行处理(请求被 Angular 取消,或者,例如,用户关闭了查询选项卡)。

这里有 2 个简单示例,说明如何使用 close 事件停止请求处理。


var clientCancelledRequest = 'clientCancelledRequest';

function cancellableAPIMethodA(req, res, next) {
    var cancelRequest = false;

    req.on('close', function (err){
       cancelRequest = true;

    var superLargeArray = [/* ... */];

    try {
        // Long processing loop
        superLargeArray.forEach(function (item) {
                if (cancelRequest) {
                    throw {type: clientCancelledRequest};
                /* Work on item */

        // Job done before client cancelled the request, send result to client
        res.send(/* results */);
    } catch (e) {
        // Re-throw (or call next(e)) on non-cancellation exception
        if (e.type !== clientCancelledRequest) {
            throw e;

    // Job done before client cancelled the request, send result to client
    res.send(/* results */);

示例 2:带有 promise 的可取消异步块(类似于 reduce)

function cancellableAPIMethodA(req, res, next) {
    var cancelRequest = false;

    req.on('close', function (err){
       cancelRequest = true;

    var superLargeArray = [/* ... */];

    var promise = Q.when();
    superLargeArray.forEach(function (item) {
            promise = promise.then(function() {
                if (cancelRequest) {
                    throw {type: clientCancelledRequest};
                /* Work on item */ 

    promise.then(function() {
        // Job done before client cancelled the request, send result to client
        res.send(/* results */);
    .catch(function(err) {
        // Re-throw (or call next(err)) on non-cancellation exception
        if (err.type !== clientCancelledRequest) {
            throw err;


  // code to handle connection abort
  console.log('user cancelled');