C++ 字符串 - 使用初始化列表构造函数时的奇怪行为

C++ string - strange behaviour when using initialization list constructor


看起来编译器做了一些从 int 到 initializer_list 或分配器的隐式提升。但我不知道为什么它不给我任何警告,为什么它使它隐含。

你能给我解释一下字符串 s4 和 s5 会发生什么吗?


#include <iostream>
#include <string>
using namespace std;

class A{

int main() {

    // string::string(charT const* s)
    string s1("12345");
    // 5 - because constructor takes into account null-terminated character
    cout << s1.size() << endl;      

    // string(std::initializer_list<charT> ilist)
    string s2({'1','2','3','4','5'});   
    // 5 - because string is built from the contents of the initializer list init.  
    cout << s2.size()<<endl;

    // string::string(charT const* s, size_type count)
    string s3("12345",3);
    // 3 -  Constructs the string with the first count characters of character string pointed to by s
    cout << s3.size() << endl;

    // basic_string( std::initializer_list<CharT> init,const Allocator& alloc = Allocator() ); - ?
    string s4({'1','2','3','4','5'},3);
    // 2 - why this compiles (with no warning) and what this result means?
    cout << s4.size() << endl;

    string s5({'1','2','3','4','5'},5);
    // 0 - why this compiles (with no warning) and what this result means?
    cout << s5.size() << endl;

    // basic_string( std::initializer_list<CharT> init,const Allocator& alloc = Allocator() );
    // doesn't compile, no known conversion for argument 2 from 'A' to 'const std::allocator<char>&'
    //string s6({'1','2','3','4','5'},A());
    //cout << s6.size() << endl;

    return 0;
string s6({'1','2','3','4','5'},3);
string s7({'1','2','3','4','5'},5);

实际上,这些初始化不只是调用 std::initializer_list 构造函数。第二个参数不能隐式转换为std::allocator,所以要考虑其他构造函数。调用的构造函数是具有此签名的构造函数:

basic_string( const basic_string& other, 
              size_type pos, 
              size_type count = std::basic_string::npos,
              const Allocator& alloc = Allocator() );

std::initializer_list 构造函数用于从 braced-init-list 创建临时 std::string 以作为 other 参数传递给上述构造函数。临时文件可以绑定到它,因为它是对常量的引用。因此,第二个参数是 pos 参数,用作子字符串复制构造的起点。

所以s6是区间[3, 5)中的字符(即"45"),s7是区间[5,5)中的字符(即"").