
How to delete a deployment manager profile that was partially created?

我在 IBM WebSphere 中创建部署管理器配置文件。我在使用 ctrl+C 创建时停止了它。当我 运行 命令 manageprofiles.sh -listProfiles 时,它没有 return 任何 profiles([])。然后我尝试创建具有相同名称的配置文件,但我收到一条消息,指出已存在具有相同名称的配置文件。所以我用部分创建的配置文件名称尝试了 运行 manageprofiles -delete 命令,结果发现该配置文件不存在。

只需从 WAS_ROOT/profiles/ 和 运行 manageprofiles -validateAndUpdateRegistry 命令中删除部分创建的目录。那你应该没事了。

-validateAndUpdateRegistry Checks all of the profiles that are listed in the profile registry to see if the profiles are present on the file system. Removes any missing profiles from the registry. Returns a list of the missing profiles that were deleted from the registry.

manageprofiles command