python's if substring in string 的运行时

Runtime of python's if substring in string

下面if statement的大O是什么?

if "pl" in "apple":




这是测试字符串中是否包含子字符串的最有效方法吗?它使用与 .find() 相同的算法吗?


maroun@DQHCPY1:~$ python -m timeit 's = "apple";s.find("pl")'
10000000 loops, best of 3: 0.125 usec per loop
maroun@DQHCPY1:~$ python -m timeit 's = "apple";"pl" in s'
10000000 loops, best of 3: 0.0371 usec per loop

使用 in 确实更快(0.0371 usec 与 0.125 usec 相比)。

具体实现可以看code itself.

在python 3.4.2 中,他们似乎使用了相同的功能,但时间可能有所不同。例如s.find首先需要查找字符串的find方法等。

使用的算法是 Boyer-More 和 Horspool 的混合。

我认为最好的查找方法是查看源代码。 This 看起来会实现 __contains__:

static int
bytes_contains(PyObject *self, PyObject *arg)
    Py_ssize_t ival = PyNumber_AsSsize_t(arg, PyExc_ValueError);
    if (ival == -1 && PyErr_Occurred()) {
        Py_buffer varg;
        Py_ssize_t pos;
        if (PyObject_GetBuffer(arg, &varg, PyBUF_SIMPLE) != 0)
            return -1;
        pos = stringlib_find(PyBytes_AS_STRING(self), Py_SIZE(self),
                             varg.buf, varg.len, 0);
        return pos >= 0;
    if (ival < 0 || ival >= 256) {
        PyErr_SetString(PyExc_ValueError, "byte must be in range(0, 256)");
        return -1;

    return memchr(PyBytes_AS_STRING(self), (int) ival, Py_SIZE(self)) != NULL;

根据stringlib_find(), which uses fastsearch()

时间复杂度平均为 O(N),最坏情况为 O(NM)(N 是较长字符串的长度,M,您搜索的较短字符串)。从 Python 3.10 开始,启发式算法用于通过切换算法将最坏情况降低到 O(N + M)。

相同的算法用于 str.index()str.find()str.__contains__()in 运算符)和 str.replace();它是 Boyer-Moore with ideas taken from the Boyer–Moore–Horspool and Sunday 算法的简化。

参见original stringlib discussion post, as well as the fastsearch.h source code; until Python 3.10, the base algorithm has not changed since introduction in Python 2.5 (apart from some low-level optimisations and corner-case fixes)。

post 包含算法的 Python 代码大纲:

def find(s, p):
    # find first occurrence of p in s
    n = len(s)
    m = len(p)
    skip = delta1(p)[p[m-1]]
    i = 0
    while i <= n-m:
        if s[i+m-1] == p[m-1]: # (boyer-moore)
            # potential match
            if s[i:i+m-1] == p[:m-1]:
                return i
            if s[i+m] not in p:
                i = i + m + 1 # (sunday)
                i = i + skip # (horspool)
            # skip
            if s[i+m] not in p:
                i = i + m + 1 # (sunday)
                i = i + 1
    return -1 # not found


在 Python 3.10 中,算法已更新为使用 Crochemore and Perrin's Two-Way string searching algorithm for larger problems (with p and s longer than 100 and 2100 characters, respectively, with s at least 6 times as long as p), in response to a pathological edgecase someone reported. The commit adding this change included a write-up on how the algorithm works 的增强版本。

双向算法的最坏情况时间复杂度为 O(N + M),其中 O(M) 是预先支付的成本,用于从 s 搜索针。一旦你有了 table,这个算法确实有 O(N/M).
