
Case Statement, conversion failed when converting varchar value to data type int

我不知道如何正确解释这一点。在我的详细信息 Table 中,我试图找到费用。假设费用都等于 10.00 美元

我想做的只是在 tranname = 'Corr Official' 且 Fee.Waiver 为 Null 时使字段值为负。问题是,table 中的字段是 varchar。我曾尝试进行演员表和转换,但没有成功。

(Case when Detail.FieldValue = '[==].00' and tranname = 'Official' then Fee.Waiver * -1 
when TranName = 'CORR-Official ' and Fee.Waiver IS not null then Fee.Waiver 
when TranName = 'CORR-Official' and Fee.Waiver  IS null then Cast(Detail.FieldValue, int) * -1 
when Detail.FieldValue = '[==].00' and Fee.Waiver IS not null then Fee.Waiver * -1 
when Fee.Waiver IS not null then Fee.Waiver * -1 
when Detail.FieldValue is null and Fee.Waiver IS null then Detail.FieldValue     
else Detail.FieldValue end) as FieldValue


消息 245,级别 16,状态 1,第 1 行 将 varchar 值“$10.00”转换为数据类型 int 时转换失败。

您不能将 $0.00 转换为 0,因为对于 SQL 这不是数字。



when TranName = 'CORR-Official' and Fee.Waiver  IS null then 
    Cast(Replace(Detail.FieldValue, '$', '') as decimal(18, 2)) * -1


when TranName = 'CORR-Official' and Fee.Waiver  IS null then 
    Cast(RIGHT(Detail.FieldValue, len(Detail.FieldValue) - 1) as decimal(18, 2)) * -1


Msg 245, Level 16, State 1, Line 4

Conversion failed when converting the varchar value '0.00' to data type int.
