无法通过 python spark 连接 MysqlDB

Not able to connect MysqlDB through python spark

我想将我处理过的 rdd 保存到 mysql table 因为我正在使用 SparkDataFrame 但我收到以下错误

py4j.protocol.Py4JJavaError: An error occurred while calling o216.jdbc.
: java.sql.SQLException: No suitable driver found for jdbc:mysql://localhost:3306/student?user=root&password=root.

我添加了 mysql-jar 到 sparkshell

spark-shell --driver-class-path /path-to-mysql-jar/mysql-connectorjava-5.1.38-bin.jar.

    from pyspark import SparkContext
    from datetime import datetime
    import os
    import sys
    from pyspark.sql import SQLContext, Row
    sqlContext = SQLContext(sc)
    file1 = sc.textFile("/home/hadoop/text1").cache()
    file2 = sc.textFile("/home/hadoop/text2").cache()
    file3 = file1.union(file2).coalesce(1).map(lambda line: line.split(','))
    result = file3.map(lambda x: (x[0]+', '+x[1],float(x[2]))).reduceByKey(lambda a,b:a+b).sortByKey('true').coalesce(1)
    result = result.map(lambda x:x[0]+','+str(x[1]))\
    schema_site = sqlContext.createDataFrame(result)
    schema_site.write.jdbc(url=mysql_url, table="table1", mode="append")

我正在使用 spark spark-1.5.0-bin-hadoop2.4

同时设置 Hive Metastore。

那么我如何将我的 RDD 结果加载到 Mysql table.


  file1 contents are

  1234567  65656545  12

  1234567  65675859  11 

  file2 contents are,

  1234567  65656545  12

  1234567  65675859  11

 and the resultnat RDD is like

 1234567  65656545 24

 1234567  65675859  22

i created the table in mysql with three colunm,

std_id  std_code  std_res

我想要 table 输出,

  std_id  std_code  std_res

  1234567  65656545    24

   1234567  65675859   24

将 jdbc 驱动程序或其他 java 依赖项传递给您的 spark 程序时,您应该使用 --jars 参数。

--jars          Comma-separated list of local jars to include on the driver and executor classpaths.

通过将 --jar /path/to/mysql/connector 添加到 spark submit 来解决它,

 ./bin/spark-submit --jars lib/mysql-connector-java-5.1.38-bin.jar sample.py