VS 2015 和 FLTK 回调问题

VS 2015 and FLTK Callback issue

我正在尝试移动我的 FLTK 项目并在 VS 2015 社区版下编译它。在执行此操作时,我遇到了错误。我有如下代码:

#include <Fl/....>
class CWindow
    Fl_Input *_textInputEditor;
    void _cbTextInput(Fl_Widget *refObject, void *objData)
        // Do something when callback is triggered.
    void createWindow()
        _textInputEditor = new Fl_Input(....);
        _textInputEditor->callback((Fl_Callback*)&CWindow::_cbTextInput, this);


Error C2440 'type cast': cannot convert from 'void (__thiscall CWindow::* )(Fl_Widget *,void *)' to 'Fl_Callback (__cdecl *)

同样的代码在 Win 7 下用 MinGW 5.x 完美编译(IDE: C::B)。

有人可以帮我吗?我想回调我的 CWindow class.


签名不正确。 _cbTextInput 应该是静态的。那么问题将是访问成员变量。

static void _cbTextInput(Fl_Widget *refObject, void *objData)
    // No access to member variables so cast it to a CWindow* to get
    // at the member variables
    CWindow* self = (CWindow*) objData;

    // Alternatively, if you do not wish to write another routine,
    // you will need to put self-> in front of every member variable
    // you wish to access.  Just personal preference: some people prefer
    // it that way.

void cbTextInput()
    // This has access to member variables