R 拆分字符串并保留匹配的子字符串?

R Split string and keep substrings righthand of match?

如何在 R 中执行此字符串 split()?当没有用破折号分隔的名字时,请停止随地吐痰。保留结果中给定的右侧子字符串。

a <- c("tim/tom meyer XY900 123kncjd", "sepp/max/peter moser VK123 456xyz")

# result: 
c("tim meyer XY900 123kncjd", "tom meyer XY900 123kncjd", "sepp moser VK123 456xyz", "max moser VK123 456xyz", "peter moser VK123 456xyz")



a <- c("tim/tom meyer XY900 123kncjd", "sepp/max/peter moser VK123 456xyz")

stri_split_fixed(stri_match_first_regex(a, "(.+?)[ ]")[,2], "/") -> start
stri_match_first_regex(a, "[ ](.+)")[,2] -> end

for(i in 1:length(end)){
    start[[i]] <- paste(start[[i]], end[i])


## [1] "tim meyer XY900 123kncjd" "tom meyer XY900 123kncjd" "sepp moser VK123 456xyz" 
## [4] "max moser VK123 456xyz"   "peter moser VK123 456xyz"


## get the lengths of the output for each first name
len <- lengths(gregexpr("/", sub(" .*", "", a), fixed = TRUE)) + 1L
## extract all the first names 
## using the fact that they all end at the first space character
fn <- scan(text = a, sep = "/", what = "", comment.char = " ")
## paste them together
paste0(fn, rep(regmatches(a, regexpr(" .*", a)), len))
# [1] "tim meyer XY900 123kncjd" "tom meyer XY900 123kncjd"
# [3] "sepp moser VK123 456xyz"  "max moser VK123 456xyz"  
# [5] "peter moser VK123 456xyz"

补充: 这里有第二种可能,使用的代码少一些。也可能会快一点。

s <- strsplit(a, "\/|( .*)")
paste0(unlist(s), rep(regmatches(a, regexpr(" .*", a)), lengths(s)))
# [1] "tim meyer XY900 123kncjd" "tom meyer XY900 123kncjd"
# [3] "sepp moser VK123 456xyz"  "max moser VK123 456xyz"  
# [5] "peter moser VK123 456xyz"


a <- c('tim/tom meyer XY900 123kncjd','sepp/max/peter moser VK123 456xyz');
do.call(c,lapply(strsplit(a,' '),function(w) apply(expand.grid(strsplit(w,'/')),1,paste,collapse=' ')));
## [1] "tim meyer XY900 123kncjd" "tom meyer XY900 123kncjd" "sepp moser VK123 456xyz"  "max moser VK123 456xyz"   "peter moser VK123 456xyz"


a <- c('a/b/c d/e/f g/h/i','j/k/l m/n/o p/q/r');
do.call(c,lapply(strsplit(a,' '),function(w) apply(expand.grid(strsplit(w,'/')),1,paste,collapse=' ')));
## [1] "a d g" "b d g" "c d g" "a e g" "b e g" "c e g" "a f g" "b f g" "c f g" "a d h" "b d h" "c d h" "a e h" "b e h" "c e h" "a f h" "b f h" "c f h" "a d i" "b d i" "c d i" "a e i" "b e i" "c e i" "a f i" "b f i" "c f i" "j m p" "k m p" "l m p" "j n p" "k n p" "l n p" "j o p" "k o p" "l o p" "j m q" "k m q" "l m q" "j n q" "k n q" "l n q" "j o q" "k o q" "l o q" "j m r" "k m r" "l m r" "j n r" "k n r" "l n r" "j o r" "k o r" "l o r"

为什么不多一种方法来展示 R 解决方案的多种方法。用 / 符号分割字符串。将名字与字符串的其余部分分开。然后结合paste。有趣的问题顺便说一句:

unlist(sapply(strsplit(a, "/"), function(x) {len <- length(x)
  last <- gsub("^(\w+).*", "\1", x[len])
  fill <- gsub("^\w+ ", "", x[len])
  paste(c(x[-len], last), fill)}))
# [1] "tim meyer XY900 123kncjd" "tom meyer XY900 123kncjd" "sepp moser VK123 456xyz" 
# [4] "max moser VK123 456xyz"   "peter moser VK123 456xyz"