Javascript 中的封装/数据隐藏?

Encapsulation / Data Hiding in Javascript?

我想了解 JavaScript 中封装的概念,以及如何使我的属性和方法 public 或私有。


    var person = function(newName, newAge) {

    // Private variables / properties
    var name = newName;
    var age = newAge;

    // Public methods
    this.getName = function() {
        return name;

    // Private methods
    var getAge = function() {
        return age;

    // Public method, has acces to private methods
    this.giveAge = function() {
        return getAge();

var jack = new person("Jack", 30);

console.log(; // undefined
console.log(jack.getName); // Jack
console.log(jack.getAge()); // TypeError: jack.getAge is not a function
console.log(jack.getAge); // undefined
console.log(jack.giveAge()); // 30

因此,变量 var namevar age 是私有的。为了访问它们,我使用 public 方法通过使用 .this 引用。所以在我的函数中 var 的任何东西都是私有的,而在我的对象中 .this 的任何东西在外面都是可见的。

我猜这是因为 person 是可见的,所以它公开了它的所有属性。


还有一个问题,为什么 console.log(jack.getAge()); 会抛出错误?当在变量中引用我 "stored" 的函数时,我应该把 () 放在那个函数的末尾吗,它是双向的,所以我不知道有什么用?


I guess that's cause person is visible, so it exposes all of its properties.


Am I on the right track? Is this the right way to hide or expose your properties / methods?

如果你想这样做,那么是的,这是一个相当标准的方法。从 ES2015 开始,至少还有一种其他方式,但(可能)开销更大。

And one more question, why does console.log(jack.getAge()); throws an error?

因为 jack 对象没有 getAge 属性,所以 jack.getAge 产生 undefined,这不是函数。 getAge 变量giveAge 闭包可以访问的上下文中(连同 agename),但是 jack 没有 getAge 属性.

And when referencing functions I "stored" in variables, should I put () at the end of that function, it works both ways, so I don't know what do use?

不,这不是双向的。 jack.getName 获取函数的引用。 jack.getName() 调用 函数并获取其 return 值。

我应该注意到 getAge 函数没有意义。它只能被 person 函数中定义的闭包访问,就像 agename 一样。所以任何会使用 getAge 的东西都会使用 age 来代替函数调用。

为了完整起见,我会注意到很多人并不担心 JavaScript 中的真正私有属性,而是选择 "private by convention"——例如,他们使用命名约定(例如以 _) 开头的名称意味着 "don't touch these, they're private." 这并不能阻止人们使用它们,当然,它只是表明他们不应该使用它们。提倡这一点的人通常会指出,在许多具有 "true" private properties/fields(Java、C#)的语言中,那些 properties/fields 只需通过反射进行少量努力即可访问。因此,争论是,仅使用命名约定是 "as private."

我不同意(也不是特别不同意)这一点,与 public 相比,在 Java 或 C# 中访问私有属性确实需要更多的工作。我只是注意到 "private by convention" 方法很常见,而且经常 "good enough."

I guess that's cause person is visible, so it exposes all of its properties.

不完全是。首先,person 是一个常规函数。它可以在没有 new 关键字的情况下完美调用,但结果会炸毁你的整个应用程序。

要了解原因,您首先应该了解 new-关键字在幕后做了什么。这将是一个 js 实现:

function fakeNew(constructor, ...args){
    if(typeof constructor !== "function"){
        throw new TypeError(constructor + " is not a constructor");

    //create a new Instance of the constructors prototype-property
    var instance = Object.create(constructor.prototype);

    //invoke the constructor with the scope set to the instance and the provided arguments
    var result = constructor.apply(instance, args);

    //check wether the returned value is an Object (and functions are considered as Objects)
    if(result === Object(result)){
        //then return the result-value in favor to the instance
        return result;

    //otherwise return the instance
    return instance;



var jack = person("Jack", 30);  //would result in the following desaster:
console.log(jack);      //undefined, since person doesn't return anthing

//will throw, since jack is still undefined, and therefore doesn't have any properties

console.log(window.getName())   //will return "Jack" now

console.log(window.getAge);     //undefined, but this is fine 
//global scope has not been polluted with this one, cause getAge was a local variable inside the function-call

console.log(window.giveAge())   //can still call the enclosed (private) function getAge()


var jill = person("Jill", 28);
//will overwrite the global functions and expose new values now
console.log(window.getName(), window.giveAge()) //"Jill", 28    
//and Jack is kind of gone, well the variable is left but the variable contained undefined, so...


//first let's add a function that executes on the scope
//inside the constructor
this.getNameAndAge = function(){
    return this.getName() + ": " + getAge();


var andy = new person("Andy", 45);
var joe = new person("Joe", 32);

//let's make Andy a little younger
andy.getNameAndAge = joe.getNameAndAge;
console.log(andy.getNameAndAge(), andy.getName() + ": " + andy.giveAge());
//will result in "Andy: 32", "Andy": 45


你已经覆盖了 public 方法 getNameAndAge。
通过在 当前对象 .
上调用(也是 public)方法 getName() 来访问该名称 但 giveAge() 仍然是声明此特定 "instance of the getNameAndAge-function" 范围内的封闭变量,因此它来自 Joe 的函数调用。


funciton Animal(species, _name){
    //species is likewise a local variable and can be enclosed, modified, or whatever
    //we don't need to write it to some different variable

    //but we want to expose the name of this animal, since it should be possible to change it later
    //without the need to create a getter and a setter just to change the property of _name = _name;

    this.whoAreYou = function(){
        //so we concat the enclosed value from species with the name-argument on this object
        //in the hope that everything will be alright.
        return species + " " +;

var jack = new Animal("dog", "Jack");
var jill = new Animal("cat", "Jill");
var joe = new Animal("fish", "Joe");

console.log(jack.whoAreYou());  //"dog Jack"
console.log(jill.whoAreYou());  //"cat Jill"
console.log(joe.whoAreYou());   //"fish Joe"

//as far so good; till now ...
//since these properties are still writable someone will start and move them around

//maybe like a callback
function someFunction(someArg, callback){
    console.log(someArg, callback());
someFunction("Who are you?", jack.whoAreYou);

//or sth. like this:
//you may not believe that someone would ever do that, but it will happen!
jack.whoAreYou = jill.whoAreYou;

//and now the poor dog has an Identity-crisis.
//the first one will result in:
"Who are you?", "dog undefined"

//the latter will log "cat Jack"

or even more fummy if sth. like this happens:

var fn = joe.whoAreYou;
//cause now they are all fishes, even the Animal-constuctor



您可以将其视为 "i need to secure my private state",或 "I work in whatever enviorment you provide to me"

And one more question, why does console.log(jack.getAge()); throws an error?


var getAge = function() {
    return age;


在 JS 中,函数和变量声明被提升,因此可以从函数的开头使用。表达式不是。

var person = function(){

    function foo(){ console.log("this will work"); }
    var bar = function(){ console.log("this will fail"); }
    //because to this point, bar was delared and assigned with undefined, 
    //and we remember? undefined can't be invoked

    return whatever;

    function baz(){ console.log("event this would work"); }
    //unless some preprocessor decided (falsely), that this function can be removed 
    //since it is after the return-statement, and is therefore unreachable