snap.svg 制作完美 "circle pointer"

snap.svg making a perfect "circle pointer"




var s = Snap(500, 500);

var thecircle =,250,100).attr({fill:'none',stroke:'red','stroke-width':'2'});
var pointer = s.rect(240,340,20,20);
var william = s.g(thecircle, pointer);

var hover1 = s.rect(240,290,20,20).attr({'value':'0'}).addClass('hovering');
var hover2 = hover1.clone().transform('r60,250,250').attr({'value':'60'}).addClass('hovering');
var hover3 = hover1.clone().transform('r120,250,250').attr({'value':'120'}).addClass('hovering');
var hover4 = hover1.clone().transform('r180,250,250').attr({'value':'180'}).addClass('hovering');
var hover5 = hover1.clone().transform('r240,250,250').attr({'value':'240'}).addClass('hovering');
var hover6 = hover1.clone().transform('r300,250,250').attr({'value':'300'}).addClass('hovering');

var $ = jQuery;

  var rotate = $(this).attr('value');

这是一个 fiddle 以便您可以检查动画的外观:JSfiddle

现在,看看将第 6 个方块(300 度)悬停然后将第 2 个方块(60 度)悬停时会发生什么。指针将在第 5、4 和 3 之前一直移动到第 2(移动 240 度)。

我想让我的指针走最快的路线到达目的地,在这个例子中,它是 420 度。 但是我不知道如何让它表现得那样,因为我不太擅长数学...


要解决这个问题,首先我们需要创建一个变量 prevRotate - 初始设置为 0 - 要记录指针先前位置的值,那么我们需要处理四种特殊情况(1)以及正常情况如下所示:

  1. 当指针先前在底部方块上时(rotate值=0),鼠标悬停在一个方块上旋转值大于180,需要将指针逆时针移动-1 * (360 - rotate)。然后使用回调函数,我们使用动画时间为 [=13= 的 .animate() 函数将旋转度 立即 设置为原始 rotate 值].

  2. 当指针原本在rotate值大于180的方块上时,悬停在下方方块上其旋转值为 0,将指针动画化为 360 CW 方向,然后使用我们的回调我们将其重置为 0.

  3. 当指针先前位于 rotate 值为 300 的方块上时,鼠标悬停在方块上 rotate的值为60,我们需要从300420300 + (360-300) + 60),然后使用回调函数将旋转值重置为60.

  4. 当指针先前位于 rotate 值为 60 的正方形时,我们需要将其设置为正方形 60 =14=] 的 300,我们需要从 60 动画到 -60然后立即再次使用回调函数将旋转设置为300

最后我们需要更新 prevRotate 的值以便进一步比较。

JS Fiddle 1 - updated 2

var $ = jQuery,
    prevRotate = 0; // The variable used to store the previous location of the pointer.

    var rotate = $(this).attr('value');

    // Special case 1, moving the pointer CCW following the short route.
    if( prevRotate == 0){
        var tempR = rotate;
        rotate = rotate > 180 ? -1 * (360 - rotate) : rotate;
        william.animate({transform:'r' +rotate+ ',250,250'},300,mina.ease, function(){

        // Normal case.
        william.animate({transform:'r'+ rotate +',250,250'},300,mina.ease);

    if(rotate == 0){

        // Special Case 2, animating to 360 instead of 0, then to 0 immediately.
        if(prevRotate > 180){

    }else if(rotate == 60 && prevRotate == 300){

        // Special Case 3, animating from 300 to 60 following the short route.
        william.animate({transform:'r420,250,250'},300,mina.ease, function(){
    }else if(rotate == 300 && prevRotate == 60){

        // Special Case 4, animating from 60 to 30 following short route.
        william.animate({transform:'r-60,250,250'},300,mina.ease, function(){

    // Update the value of the pointer's previous location
    prevRotate = $(this).attr('value');        

// The Callback function to reset rotate values.
function myCB(theAngle){
    william.animate({transform:'r' +theAngle+ ',250,250'},0);

(1) 请注意,您可以像这样将特殊情况 3 和 4 代码块合并为一个:

JS Fiddle 2 - Updated

if((rotate == 60 || rotate == 300) && prevRotate == 360 - rotate){

    // Define the destination angle depending on value of rotate
    var newR = (rotate == 60) ? 420 : -60;
    william.animate({transform:'r' +newR+ ',250,250'},300,mina.ease,function(){



var s = Snap(500, 500);

var thecircle =,250,100).attr({fill:'none',stroke:'red','stroke-width':'2'});
var pointer = s.rect(240,340,20,20);
var william = s.g(thecircle, pointer);

var hover1 = s.rect(240,290,20,20).attr({'value':'0'}).addClass('hovering');
var hover2 = hover1.clone().transform('r60,250,250').attr({'value':'60'}).addClass('hovering');
var hover3 = hover1.clone().transform('r120,250,250').attr({'value':'120'}).addClass('hovering');
var hover4 = hover1.clone().transform('r180,250,250').attr({'value':'180'}).addClass('hovering');
var hover5 = hover1.clone().transform('r240,250,250').attr({'value':'240'}).addClass('hovering');
var hover6 = hover1.clone().transform('r300,250,250').attr({'value':'300'}).addClass('hovering');

var $ = jQuery;
// What rotate currently is
var lastRotate = 0;
// Actual transform rotate accumulates up or down depending
// on which direction we have been going in.
var accumulatedRotation = 0;

  // Make sure 'rotate' is a number not a string
  var rotate = parseInt($(this).attr('value'), 10);
  // rotateAlt is the alternative version of rotate (either >360 or <0)
  var rotateAlt = (lastRotate < 180) ? (rotate - 360) : (360 + rotate); 
  // Work out the diff value for each alt
  var diffA = rotate - lastRotate;
  var diffB = rotateAlt - lastRotate;
  // Add the smaller diff to the accumulated rotation
  if (Math.abs(diffA) < Math.abs(diffB))
    accumulatedRotation += diffA;
    accumulatedRotation += diffB;
  // Remember the last value of 'rotate'
  lastRotate = rotate;
<script src=""></script>
<script src=""></script>