流星发布异常:使用 aldeed:tabular 时未在发布期间检查()所有参数

Meteor publication Exception: Did not check() all arguments during publisher when using aldeed:tabular


Meteor.publish( 'usersadmin', function() {
  return Meteor.users.find( {}, { fields: { "emails": 1, "roles": 1, "profile": 1 } } )

并且我在以下 table 中使用 aldeed:tabular 显示该出版物:

TabularTables.UsersAdmin = new Tabular.Table({
      name: "User List",
      collection: Meteor.users,
      pub: "usersadmin",
      allow: function(userId) {
        return Roles.userIsInRole(userId, 'admin');
      columns: [{
        data: "emails",
        title: "Email",
        render: function(val, type, doc) {
          return val[0].address;
      }, {
        data: "roles",
        title: "Roles",
        render: function(val, type, doc) {
          return val[0]._id;

table 显示正常,但在服务器端出现以下异常:

 Exception from sub usersadmin id 2d7NFjgRXFBZ2s44R Error: Did not check() all arguments during publisher 'usersadmin'


您收到此错误是因为您需要使用 check(value, pattern).

检查传递给 usersadmin 发布函数的参数



Your function:

  • MUST accept and check three arguments: tableName, ids, and fields
  • MUST publish all the documents where _id is in the ids array.
  • MUST do any necessary security checks
  • SHOULD publish only the fields listed in the fields object, if one is provided.
  • MAY also publish other data necessary for your table


Meteor.publish('usersadmin', function(tableName, ids, fields) {
  check(tableName, String);
  check(ids, Array);
  check(fields, Match.Optional(Object));
  return Meteor.users.find({}, {fields: {"emails": 1, "roles": 1, "profile": 1}});