从 [String:AnyObject] 转换为无关类型 NSMutableDictionary 总是失败警告
cast from [String:AnyObject] to unrelated type NSMutableDictionary always fails Warning
let parentView = self.parentViewController as! SBProfileViewController
parentView.savedDetailsModel = SBSavedUserModel(data:responseObject["data"].dictionaryObject! as! NSMutableDictionary)
cast from '[String:AnyObject]' to unrelated type 'NSMutableDictionary' always fails Warning
SavedUserModel 存储保存的信息:--
class SBSavedUserModel : NSObject {
var userId : String!
var firstName : String!
var lastName : String!
var imageBase64 : String!
required init ( data : NSMutableDictionary) {
self.userId = data.objectForKey("userId") as! String
self.firstName = data.objectForKey("fName") as! String
self.lastName = data.objectForKey("lName") as! String
self.imageBase64 = data.objectForKey("image") as! String
responseObject["data"].dictionaryObject! as! NSMutableDictionary
NSMutableDictionary(dictionary: responseObject["data"].dictionaryObject!)
您可以轻松地将其转换为 NSDictionary,但出于某种原因,当您需要 NSMutableDictionary 时,您必须使用 NSMutableDictionary(dictionary:)
编辑:请参阅@Tommy 对这个问题的评论,了解为什么这是必要的。
与 NSArray
和 NSDictionary
不同,可变 Foundation
集合类型 NSMutableArray
和 NSMutableDictionary
没有桥接到 Swift 对应类型。
最简单的解决方案是继续使用 Swift 本机类型
let parentView = self.parentViewController as! SBProfileViewController
parentView.savedDetailsModel = SBSavedUserModel(data:responseObject["data"].dictionaryObject!)
class SBSavedUserModel : NSObject {
var userId, firstName, lastName, imageBase64 : String
required init ( data : [String:AnyObject]) {
self.userId = data["userId"] as! String
self.firstName = data["fName"] as! String
self.lastName = data["lName"] as! String
self.imageBase64 = data["image"] as! String
parentView.savedDetailsModel = SBSavedUserModel(data:responseObject["data"].dictionaryObject as! [String:String])
required init ( data : [String:String]) {
self.userId = data["userId"]!
self.firstName = data["fName"]!
self.lastName = data["lName"]!
self.imageBase64 = data["image"]!
mutableDictionary as NSDictionary as? [String: AnyObject]
同样的方法适用于 NSMutableArray。
let parentView = self.parentViewController as! SBProfileViewController
parentView.savedDetailsModel = SBSavedUserModel(data:responseObject["data"].dictionaryObject! as! NSMutableDictionary)
cast from '[String:AnyObject]' to unrelated type 'NSMutableDictionary' always fails Warning
SavedUserModel 存储保存的信息:--
class SBSavedUserModel : NSObject {
var userId : String!
var firstName : String!
var lastName : String!
var imageBase64 : String!
required init ( data : NSMutableDictionary) {
self.userId = data.objectForKey("userId") as! String
self.firstName = data.objectForKey("fName") as! String
self.lastName = data.objectForKey("lName") as! String
self.imageBase64 = data.objectForKey("image") as! String
responseObject["data"].dictionaryObject! as! NSMutableDictionary
NSMutableDictionary(dictionary: responseObject["data"].dictionaryObject!)
您可以轻松地将其转换为 NSDictionary,但出于某种原因,当您需要 NSMutableDictionary 时,您必须使用 NSMutableDictionary(dictionary:)
编辑:请参阅@Tommy 对这个问题的评论,了解为什么这是必要的。
与 NSArray
和 NSDictionary
不同,可变 Foundation
集合类型 NSMutableArray
和 NSMutableDictionary
没有桥接到 Swift 对应类型。
最简单的解决方案是继续使用 Swift 本机类型
let parentView = self.parentViewController as! SBProfileViewController
parentView.savedDetailsModel = SBSavedUserModel(data:responseObject["data"].dictionaryObject!)
class SBSavedUserModel : NSObject {
var userId, firstName, lastName, imageBase64 : String
required init ( data : [String:AnyObject]) {
self.userId = data["userId"] as! String
self.firstName = data["fName"] as! String
self.lastName = data["lName"] as! String
self.imageBase64 = data["image"] as! String
,则更方便parentView.savedDetailsModel = SBSavedUserModel(data:responseObject["data"].dictionaryObject as! [String:String])
required init ( data : [String:String]) {
self.userId = data["userId"]!
self.firstName = data["fName"]!
self.lastName = data["lName"]!
self.imageBase64 = data["image"]!
mutableDictionary as NSDictionary as? [String: AnyObject]
同样的方法适用于 NSMutableArray。