在 HList 中查找元素
Find an element in an HList
我正在尝试编写两个函数来从 HList
中提取值,但我似乎无法让 GHC 满意。
第一个函数的签名为 extract :: HList a -> [b]
,它从列表中提取类型为 b
的所有元素。我只是通过要求 a
中的类型有 Typeable
class OfType a b where
oftype :: a -> [Maybe b]
instance OfType (HList '[]) b where
oftype = const []
instance (Typeable t, Typeable b, OfType (HList ts) b) => OfType (HList (t ': ts)) b where
oftype (x :- xs) = (cast x :: Maybe b) : oftype xs
extract :: OfType a b => a -> [b]
extract = catMaybes . oftype
这是次优的,因为实际上并不需要 Typeable
我尝试编写的第二个函数将具有签名 extract' :: Contains h n => HList h -> n
,它提取列表中 n
是否可以在没有 Typeable
约束的情况下编写 extract
是否可以在没有 Typeable
约束的情况下编写 extract'
此外,我不能 100% 确定重叠的编译指示是否正确。
{-# LANGUAGE DataKinds, TypeOperators, ScopedTypeVariables,
MultiParamTypeClasses, FlexibleInstances, FlexibleContexts #-}
{-# OPTIONS -Wall #-}
module HListFilter where
import Data.HList.HList
class OfType a b where
oftype :: a -> [b]
instance OfType (HList '[]) b where
oftype = const []
instance {-# OVERLAPS #-} (OfType (HList ts) t) => OfType (HList (t ': ts)) t where
oftype (HCons x xs) = x : oftype xs
instance {-# OVERLAPPABLE #-} (OfType (HList ts) b) => OfType (HList (t ': ts)) b where
oftype (HCons _ xs) = oftype xs
test :: HList '[Int, Char, [Char], Char, Bool]
test = HCons (1::Int) (HCons 'a' (HCons "foo" (HCons 'b' (HCons True HNil))))
test_result :: [Char]
test_result = oftype test -- "ab"
András Kovács 提到了类型族方法。这是一种方法:
type family Equal (x :: *) (y :: *) where
Equal x x = 'True
Equal x y = 'False
type family Check (b :: *) (as :: [*]) :: [Bool] where
Check b '[] = '[]
Check b (a ': as) = (b `Equal` a) ': Check b as
class ps ~ Check b as =>
OfType (ps :: [Bool]) (as :: [*]) b where
extract :: HList as -> [b]
ps ~ Check b as
superclass 上下文在这里很关键,这是时间问题。 GHC 总是在 before 检查实例约束之前提交一个实例,但在 after 解决 superclass约束。所以我们需要使用 superclass 约束来固定哪些实例为 select.
instance OfType '[] '[] b where
extract HNil = []
instance (OfType ps as b, a ~ b) =>
OfType ('True ': ps) (a ': as) b where
extract (HCons x xs) = x : extract xs
instance (OfType ps as b, Equal b a ~ 'False) =>
OfType ('False ': ps) (a ': as) b where
extract (HCons _ xs) = extract xs
完成此操作后,您实际上可以编写一个接口来避免 "extra" class 参数:
class OfType' (as :: [*]) (b :: *) where
extract' :: HList as -> [b]
instance OfType ps as b => OfType' as b where
extract' = extract
和 extract'
很容易写。然而,写 Contains
的 实例 需要与 OfType
完全相同的跳箍。你想要的 class 是这样的:
class Contains xs y where
contains :: y `Elem` xs
-- Elem is part of the dependently typed folklore.
data Elem y xs where
Here :: Elem y (y ': xs)
There :: Elem y xs -> Elem y (x ': xs)
但是编写实例将再次迫使您进入重叠或封闭的类型系列。我知道我已经在 SO 附近的某个地方编写了这段代码,但是您应该能够很容易地计算出重叠的版本;通常,类型系列版本将遵循与 OfType
我正在尝试编写两个函数来从 HList
中提取值,但我似乎无法让 GHC 满意。
第一个函数的签名为 extract :: HList a -> [b]
,它从列表中提取类型为 b
的所有元素。我只是通过要求 a
中的类型有 Typeable
class OfType a b where
oftype :: a -> [Maybe b]
instance OfType (HList '[]) b where
oftype = const []
instance (Typeable t, Typeable b, OfType (HList ts) b) => OfType (HList (t ': ts)) b where
oftype (x :- xs) = (cast x :: Maybe b) : oftype xs
extract :: OfType a b => a -> [b]
extract = catMaybes . oftype
这是次优的,因为实际上并不需要 Typeable
我尝试编写的第二个函数将具有签名 extract' :: Contains h n => HList h -> n
,它提取列表中 n
是否可以在没有 Typeable
约束的情况下编写 extract
是否可以在没有 Typeable
约束的情况下编写 extract'
此外,我不能 100% 确定重叠的编译指示是否正确。
{-# LANGUAGE DataKinds, TypeOperators, ScopedTypeVariables,
MultiParamTypeClasses, FlexibleInstances, FlexibleContexts #-}
{-# OPTIONS -Wall #-}
module HListFilter where
import Data.HList.HList
class OfType a b where
oftype :: a -> [b]
instance OfType (HList '[]) b where
oftype = const []
instance {-# OVERLAPS #-} (OfType (HList ts) t) => OfType (HList (t ': ts)) t where
oftype (HCons x xs) = x : oftype xs
instance {-# OVERLAPPABLE #-} (OfType (HList ts) b) => OfType (HList (t ': ts)) b where
oftype (HCons _ xs) = oftype xs
test :: HList '[Int, Char, [Char], Char, Bool]
test = HCons (1::Int) (HCons 'a' (HCons "foo" (HCons 'b' (HCons True HNil))))
test_result :: [Char]
test_result = oftype test -- "ab"
András Kovács 提到了类型族方法。这是一种方法:
type family Equal (x :: *) (y :: *) where
Equal x x = 'True
Equal x y = 'False
type family Check (b :: *) (as :: [*]) :: [Bool] where
Check b '[] = '[]
Check b (a ': as) = (b `Equal` a) ': Check b as
class ps ~ Check b as =>
OfType (ps :: [Bool]) (as :: [*]) b where
extract :: HList as -> [b]
ps ~ Check b as
superclass 上下文在这里很关键,这是时间问题。 GHC 总是在 before 检查实例约束之前提交一个实例,但在 after 解决 superclass约束。所以我们需要使用 superclass 约束来固定哪些实例为 select.
instance OfType '[] '[] b where
extract HNil = []
instance (OfType ps as b, a ~ b) =>
OfType ('True ': ps) (a ': as) b where
extract (HCons x xs) = x : extract xs
instance (OfType ps as b, Equal b a ~ 'False) =>
OfType ('False ': ps) (a ': as) b where
extract (HCons _ xs) = extract xs
完成此操作后,您实际上可以编写一个接口来避免 "extra" class 参数:
class OfType' (as :: [*]) (b :: *) where
extract' :: HList as -> [b]
instance OfType ps as b => OfType' as b where
extract' = extract
和 extract'
很容易写。然而,写 Contains
的 实例 需要与 OfType
完全相同的跳箍。你想要的 class 是这样的:
class Contains xs y where
contains :: y `Elem` xs
-- Elem is part of the dependently typed folklore.
data Elem y xs where
Here :: Elem y (y ': xs)
There :: Elem y xs -> Elem y (x ': xs)
但是编写实例将再次迫使您进入重叠或封闭的类型系列。我知道我已经在 SO 附近的某个地方编写了这段代码,但是您应该能够很容易地计算出重叠的版本;通常,类型系列版本将遵循与 OfType