如何正确使用 "getline(cin, input);"

How do I correctly use "getline(cin, input);"


int main()
    string str = "NULL";
    int mappings = 0;
    displayInput(mappings, str);
    return 0;
void readMappings(int &count)
    ifstream readMappings;                                                  // Creates the function "readMappings"
    string filename;                                                        // Generates the filename variable to search for mapping document
    cout << "Enter the filename of the mapping document: ";
    cin >> filename;                                                        // User enters filename
    readMappings.open(filename);                                            // "readMappings" function opens the given mappings document
    while (!readMappings.is_open())
        cout << "Unsble to open file. Please enter a valid filename: ";     // If the user enters an invaled filename, the program will ask again
        cin >> filename;
    if (readMappings.good())                                                // Mapping document is successfully opened
        readMappings >> count;                                              // Reads first line
    readMappings.close();                                                   // If everything fails in this function, the document will close
void receiveInput(string &input)
    char correctness;
    do {
        cout << "\nPlease enter the text you would like to be converted to NATO:\n";
        getline(cin, input);
        cout << "You are about to convert: \"" << input << "\".\nIs this correct? (Y/N)" << endl;
        cin >> correctness;
    } while (correctness == 'N' || correctness =='n');

我认为可能是程序在等待用户的另一个输入,所以我添加了一个我认为它已经填充的变量,但它没有解决我的解决方案。在我看来,问题出在 receiveInput 函数中,但我可能是错的。在此先感谢您的帮助。



1) 在调用 std::getline().

后,您没有检查 EOF 条件

2) 您将 std::getline>> 运算符混合在一起。现在,这实际上在技术上没有任何问题,但是 std::getline>> 运算符都具有非常 细微差别 语义,当涉及到错误检查和输入消耗时,你需要 100% 正确,才能正确地一起使用它们。

只需将 >> 运算符的用法替换为 std::getline,这样您就可以专门使用 std::getline,并确保检查 fail() 或eof()。您会在 whosebug.com.

上找到大量有关如何使用 std::getline 正确检查文件结尾和失败条件的示例