在 while 循环期间结合像素之间的距离
combining distance between pixels during while loop
我正在 python 中进行 uni 分配,我需要测量给定点的像素之间的距离,如果我使用两个点我可以做到这一点但是如果我使用两个以上的点代码仅测量每对
def mapLevel2():
# City X and Y Values
cityXvalue = [45,95,182,207,256,312,328,350,374,400]
CityYvalue = [310,147,84,201,337,375,434,348,335,265]
# Display Map
map = makePicture("D:/Dropbox/Dropbox/Uni Files/Assesment to do/Introduction to Programming/Assignment 3/images/map.png")
# City Details
numCity = requestInteger ("Enter the number of cities you wish to visit:")
i = 0
# Request City Details
while i < numCity:
cityOne = requestInteger ("Enter the city you would like to visit")
cityTwo = requestInteger ("Enter the city you would like to visit next")
x1 = cityOne
y1 = cityOne
x2 = cityTwo
y2 = cityTwo
addLine(map, cityXvalue[x1], cityYvalue[y1], cityXvalue[x2], cityYvalue[y2])
i = i + 1
KMs = getDistanceBetween(cityXvalue[x1],cityYvalue[y1],cityXvalue[x2],cityYvalue[y2])
addText(map,21,34,"%.9f" %KMs)
i = 2
while i < numCity:
cityOne = cityTwo
cityTwo = requestInteger ("Enter the city you would like to visit next")
x1 = cityOne
y1 = cityOne
x2 = cityTwo
y2 = cityTwo
addLine(map, cityXvalue[x1], cityYvalue[y1], cityXvalue[x2], cityYvalue[y2])
KMs = getDistanceBetween(cityXvalue[x1],cityYvalue[y1],cityXvalue[x2],cityYvalue[y2])
addText(map,21,34,"%.9f" %KMs)
i = i + 1
# Output File
#writePictureTo(map,"D:/Dropbox/Dropbox/Uni Files/Assesment to do/Introduction to Programming/Assignment 3/images/marked-map.png")
def getDistanceBetween(x1,y1,x2,y2):
return 10*sqrt(pow(x1-x2,2)+pow(y1-y2,2))
第一个问题:你有两个 while
循环,而你应该只有一个。让你的第一个城市在循环之外,然后是循环内的每个后续城市,cityOne = cityTwo
x1 = cityOne #
y1 = cityOne # wrong!
x2 = cityTwo #
y2 = cityTwo #
addLine(map, cityXvalue[x1], cityYvalue[y1], cityXvalue[x2], cityYvalue[y2])
x1 = cityXvalue[cityOne]
y1 = cityYvalue[cityOne]
x2 = cityXvalue[cityTwo]
y2 = cityYvalue[cityTwo]
addLine(map, x1, y1, x2, y2)
那么我们可以解决你的问题:你需要 total_dist = 0
在你的 while
循环之前,total_dist += KMs
addText(map,21,34,"%.9f" % total_dist)
为了比较,这是一个 OO 版本,可能更容易理解:
IN_MAP = "D:/Dropbox/Dropbox/Uni Files/Assesment to do/Introduction to Programming/Assignment 3/images/map.png"
OUT_MAP = "D:/Dropbox/Dropbox/Uni Files/Assesment to do/Introduction to Programming/Assignment 3/images/marked-map.png"
class City:
def __init__(self, x, y):
self.x = x
self.y = y
def distance(self, other):
return ((self.x - other.x) ** 2 + (self.y - other.y) ** 2) ** 0.5
def half_way(self, other):
return (self.x + other.x) / 2, (self.y + other.y) / 2
cities = [
City( 45, 310), City( 95, 147), City(182, 84), City(207, 201),
City(256, 337), City(312, 375), City(328, 434), City(350, 348),
City(374, 335), City(400, 265)
def mapLevel2(cities=cities, in_map=IN_MAP, out_map=OUT_MAP):
# show map
map = makePicture(in_map)
# get tour length
num_stops = requestInteger("Enter the number of cities you wish to visit: ")
# start touring!
total_dist = 0.
city_a = cities[requestInteger("Enter the city you are starting from: ")]
for _ in range(1, num_stops):
city_b = cities[requestInteger("Enter the city you would like to visit next: ")]
# get distances
dist = city_a.distance(city_b)
total_dist += dist
# show route on map
addLine(map, city_a.x, city_a.y, city_b.x, city_b.y)
hx, hy = city_a.half_way(city_b)
addText(map, hx, hy, "{:3.1f}".format(dist)) # changed! place distance label at midpoint on route line
# prepare for next leg of the tour
city_a = city_b
# show overall distance
addText(map, 21, 34, "Total: {:3.1f} km".format(total_dist))
# Output File
if out_map:
writePictureTo(map, out_map)
我正在 python 中进行 uni 分配,我需要测量给定点的像素之间的距离,如果我使用两个点我可以做到这一点但是如果我使用两个以上的点代码仅测量每对
def mapLevel2():
# City X and Y Values
cityXvalue = [45,95,182,207,256,312,328,350,374,400]
CityYvalue = [310,147,84,201,337,375,434,348,335,265]
# Display Map
map = makePicture("D:/Dropbox/Dropbox/Uni Files/Assesment to do/Introduction to Programming/Assignment 3/images/map.png")
# City Details
numCity = requestInteger ("Enter the number of cities you wish to visit:")
i = 0
# Request City Details
while i < numCity:
cityOne = requestInteger ("Enter the city you would like to visit")
cityTwo = requestInteger ("Enter the city you would like to visit next")
x1 = cityOne
y1 = cityOne
x2 = cityTwo
y2 = cityTwo
addLine(map, cityXvalue[x1], cityYvalue[y1], cityXvalue[x2], cityYvalue[y2])
i = i + 1
KMs = getDistanceBetween(cityXvalue[x1],cityYvalue[y1],cityXvalue[x2],cityYvalue[y2])
addText(map,21,34,"%.9f" %KMs)
i = 2
while i < numCity:
cityOne = cityTwo
cityTwo = requestInteger ("Enter the city you would like to visit next")
x1 = cityOne
y1 = cityOne
x2 = cityTwo
y2 = cityTwo
addLine(map, cityXvalue[x1], cityYvalue[y1], cityXvalue[x2], cityYvalue[y2])
KMs = getDistanceBetween(cityXvalue[x1],cityYvalue[y1],cityXvalue[x2],cityYvalue[y2])
addText(map,21,34,"%.9f" %KMs)
i = i + 1
# Output File
#writePictureTo(map,"D:/Dropbox/Dropbox/Uni Files/Assesment to do/Introduction to Programming/Assignment 3/images/marked-map.png")
def getDistanceBetween(x1,y1,x2,y2):
return 10*sqrt(pow(x1-x2,2)+pow(y1-y2,2))
第一个问题:你有两个 while
循环,而你应该只有一个。让你的第一个城市在循环之外,然后是循环内的每个后续城市,cityOne = cityTwo
x1 = cityOne #
y1 = cityOne # wrong!
x2 = cityTwo #
y2 = cityTwo #
addLine(map, cityXvalue[x1], cityYvalue[y1], cityXvalue[x2], cityYvalue[y2])
x1 = cityXvalue[cityOne]
y1 = cityYvalue[cityOne]
x2 = cityXvalue[cityTwo]
y2 = cityYvalue[cityTwo]
addLine(map, x1, y1, x2, y2)
那么我们可以解决你的问题:你需要 total_dist = 0
在你的 while
循环之前,total_dist += KMs
addText(map,21,34,"%.9f" % total_dist)
为了比较,这是一个 OO 版本,可能更容易理解:
IN_MAP = "D:/Dropbox/Dropbox/Uni Files/Assesment to do/Introduction to Programming/Assignment 3/images/map.png"
OUT_MAP = "D:/Dropbox/Dropbox/Uni Files/Assesment to do/Introduction to Programming/Assignment 3/images/marked-map.png"
class City:
def __init__(self, x, y):
self.x = x
self.y = y
def distance(self, other):
return ((self.x - other.x) ** 2 + (self.y - other.y) ** 2) ** 0.5
def half_way(self, other):
return (self.x + other.x) / 2, (self.y + other.y) / 2
cities = [
City( 45, 310), City( 95, 147), City(182, 84), City(207, 201),
City(256, 337), City(312, 375), City(328, 434), City(350, 348),
City(374, 335), City(400, 265)
def mapLevel2(cities=cities, in_map=IN_MAP, out_map=OUT_MAP):
# show map
map = makePicture(in_map)
# get tour length
num_stops = requestInteger("Enter the number of cities you wish to visit: ")
# start touring!
total_dist = 0.
city_a = cities[requestInteger("Enter the city you are starting from: ")]
for _ in range(1, num_stops):
city_b = cities[requestInteger("Enter the city you would like to visit next: ")]
# get distances
dist = city_a.distance(city_b)
total_dist += dist
# show route on map
addLine(map, city_a.x, city_a.y, city_b.x, city_b.y)
hx, hy = city_a.half_way(city_b)
addText(map, hx, hy, "{:3.1f}".format(dist)) # changed! place distance label at midpoint on route line
# prepare for next leg of the tour
city_a = city_b
# show overall distance
addText(map, 21, 34, "Total: {:3.1f} km".format(total_dist))
# Output File
if out_map:
writePictureTo(map, out_map)