检查 MovieClip 的一部分何时离开舞台

Check when a part of the MovieClip leaves the Stage

我正在使用 AS3 创建一个拖放游戏,我想检查 Movieclip 的一部分何时在屏幕外以将视图移到后面并让用户选择将其放置在何处。

我无法测试 MovieClip 凭据是否大于舞台 (scaleMode = NO_SCALE) Width/Height,因为舞台的一部分隐藏在浏览器后面 window.




[SWF(width='800', height='800',backgroundColor='#CC99FF', frameRate='60')]
public class DragTest extends Sprite
    public function DragTest()
        addChild(new World(this));

        this.stage.scaleMode = "noScale";
        this.stage.align = "TL";



public class World extends Container // Container from my SWC
    private var _display:Sprite;
    private var _dragPt:Point;
    private var _dragedObject:MovieClip;

    public function World(display:Sprite)

        _display = display;

        myMC.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, onPickUp, false, 0, true ); 

        display.stage.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_UP, onDrop, false, 0, true ); 
        display.stage.addEventListener(Event.MOUSE_LEAVE, onMouseLeave, false, 0, true ); 

    protected function onMouseLeave(event:Event):void
        trace("Mouse Is Leaving The Stage");


    protected function onDrop(e:MouseEvent):void
        _display.stage.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_MOVE, onMoveObject);


    private function onPickUp(e:MouseEvent)
        _dragedObject = e.currentTarget as MovieClip;

        _display.stage.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_MOVE, onMoveObject, false, 0, true);

    protected function onMoveObject(e:MouseEvent):void
        var point:Point = new Point(_display.stage.mouseX, _display.stage.mouseY);

            (_dragedObject as MovieClip).x = point.x;
            (_dragedObject as MovieClip).y = point.y;           

这是一个例子: Simple Code

最简单的方法可能是使用 getBounds(stage) 并与 stageWidthstageHeight 进行比较:

var bounds:Rectangle = _draggedObject.getBounds(stage);
if (bounds.left < 0) {
    // left part of object is off-screen
} else if (bounds.right > stage.stageWidth) {
    // right part of object is off-screen
if (bounds.top < 0) {
    // top part of object is offscreen
} else if (bounds.bottom > stage.stageHeight) {
    // bottom part of object is off-screen

您可以在每种情况下移动 display


因此您可以将 MOUSE_LEAVE 事件添加到该区域,当您的鼠标离开该区域时,您可以执行任何操作。

Check the example here.

针对 Aaron Beall 的回复:


var bounds:Rectangle = object.getBounds(stage);
if (bounds.right < 0) {
    // do thing
} else if (bounds.left > stage.stageWidth) {
    // do thing
if (bounds.bottom < 0) {
    // do thing
} else if (bounds.top > stage.stageHeight) {
    // do thing

如果在 class.

中,请确保已导入 import flash.geom.Rectangle;