ngCordova/Ionic 应用程序在后台时推送通知

ngCordova/Ionic Push Notifications when application is in the background

我目前正在使用 ionic/ngcordova 构建一个 android 应用程序。我正在实施推送通知。我已经将推送通知实现为在{..}) 阶段注入的服务。注册部分有效,我收到一个包含 regid 的回调。此外,当应用程序处于活动状态时,会引发事件并收到通知。

我遇到的问题是,当应用程序进入后台时,根本收不到通知。我希望当应用程序不是 运行 或类似的东西时会引发本地通知,但绝对没有任何反应,这很奇怪。


以下是我的 notificationService.js 在我的应用程序中

app.factory('notificationService', ['$cordovaPush', function($cordovaPush){

  var dataFactory = {};

  // When the device is ready and this service has been plumbed in...
  document.addEventListener("deviceready", function(){

      console.log("initializing push notifications...");


  }, false);

  // Registers the device for push notifications...
  var _register = function(){

      var config = {};

      if ( device.platform == 'android' || device.platform == 'Android' || device.platform == "amazon-fireos" ){

          // TODO: centralise this value as it can change...
          config = {
              senderID: "448168747432",
              ecb: "onNotificationGCM"

      }else {
          // iOS
          config = {

          // Can add the following property to the config object to raise a callback with the information if need be...
          // "ecb": "onNotificationRegisterAPN"


                    // Typically returns "ok" for android and devicetoken for iOS


    window.onNotificationGCM = function(result){


         I get called when the app is in the foreground, but nothing happens when the app is in the background.


  dataFactory.register = _register;

  return dataFactory;

如果有帮助,我正在通过 .net 应用程序使用 PushSharp 来发送通知。任何帮助将不胜感激。

更新: 我正在使用以下 frameworks/libs:

对于像我一样烦恼了几天的其他人,解决方案非常简单...我在 Pushsharp QueueNotification 请求中缺少两个属性。因此,在此处使用 PushSharp github 存储库中给出的示例:

push.QueueNotification(new GcmNotification().ForDeviceRegistrationId("DEVICE-REGISTRATION-ID-HERE").WithJson("{\"alert\":\"Hello World!\",\"badge\":7,\"sound\":\"sound.caf\"}"));


push.QueueNotification(new GcmNotification().ForDeviceRegistrationId("DEVICE REGISTRATION ID HERE")
                      .WithJson(@"{""alert"":""This is the future"",""badge"":7,""sound"":""sound.caf"",""title"":""Status Bar title"",""message"":""Some text you want to display to the user""}"));

否则,如果您的应用恰好是使用 Cordova 开发的,并且它当前不在前台,那么什么都不会发生,重复什么都不会发生。

gdelavald 致敬,他对 PushPlugin 的评论在这里为我指明了正确的方向: