Totient-function generating sieve 消耗太多内存
Totient-function generating sieve consuming too much memory
我已经为 totients 列表编写了一个基于筛子的生成器,并希望总和达到 1000000。
applyEvery :: (a -> a) -> Int -> [a] -> [a]
applyEvery f n xs = xf ++ (\(y:ys) -> f y : applyEvery f n ys) xb
(xf, xb) = splitAt (n - 1) xs
totients :: [Int]
totients = 1 : sieve [2..] [2..]
sieve (x:xs) (y:ys)
| x == y = (y - 1) : sieve xs (propagatePrime x ys)
| otherwise = y : sieve xs ys
propagatePrime j = applyEvery (\x -> (quot x j)*(j - 1)) j
totientSum :: Int -> Int
totientSum n = sum $ take n totients
当 totientSum n
计算 n
超过 40000 时,ghci 需要很长时间来评估并开始消耗大量内存。编译为可执行文件无济于事。我认为这与 Haskell 处理惰性求值的方式有关。
我想知道是否可以选择性地应用严格性来改善上述函数的内存消耗,以便我可以计算总和高达 1000000。我还想知道是否有更好的方法这使用列表,或者我是否应该使用随机访问数据结构。如果您知道计算总和的更快算法,请分享参考。
我认为 applyEvery
-- <>
applyEvery' :: (a -> a) -> Int -> [a] -> [a]
applyEvery' f n = zipWith ($) (cycle (replicate (n - 1) id ++ [f]))
applyEvery'' :: (a -> a) -> Int -> [a] -> [a]
applyEvery'' f n xs = xf ++ (\(y:ys) -> f y : applyEvery'' f n ys) xb
xf = take (n - 1) xs
xb = drop (n - 1) xs
您可以利用以下事实:您正在为 [1..n]
范围内的所有数字计算 Euler Phi 数
这样做,您可能会先找到范围 [1..n]
中的所有质数,然后 不是找到每个数的质因数,而是找到每个质数的所有倍数 .显然,后者可以更有效地完成。
import Data.Int (Int64)
import Control.Applicative ((<$>))
import Data.Array.Unboxed (UArray, elems, accum, listArray)
primes :: Integral a => [a]
primes = 2: 3: filter pred (chain [5,11..] [7,13..])
chain (x:xs) (y:ys) = x: y: chain xs ys
pred a = all (\i -> a `mod` i /= 0) $ takeWhile (\i -> i * i <= a) primes
euler_phi :: Int64 -> [Int64]
euler_phi n = elems $ accum (\a p -> a - a `div` p) arr inc
val = takeWhile (<= n) primes
idx = map (\i -> takeWhile (<= n) [i,2 * i..]) val
inc = concat $ zipWith (\i j -> ($j) <$> (,) <$> i) idx val
arr = listArray (1, n) [1..n] :: UArray Int64 Int64
main = getLine >>= print . sum . euler_phi . read
\> euler_phi 20
将是 Euler totient function for the first 20 numbers;如果你用-O2
$ ghc --make -O2 euler_phi.hs
[1 of 1] Compiling Main ( euler_phi.hs, euler_phi.o )
Linking euler_phi ...
$ time echo 40000 | ./euler_phi
real 0m0.091s
user 0m0.040s
sys 0m0.006s
我已经为 totients 列表编写了一个基于筛子的生成器,并希望总和达到 1000000。
applyEvery :: (a -> a) -> Int -> [a] -> [a]
applyEvery f n xs = xf ++ (\(y:ys) -> f y : applyEvery f n ys) xb
(xf, xb) = splitAt (n - 1) xs
totients :: [Int]
totients = 1 : sieve [2..] [2..]
sieve (x:xs) (y:ys)
| x == y = (y - 1) : sieve xs (propagatePrime x ys)
| otherwise = y : sieve xs ys
propagatePrime j = applyEvery (\x -> (quot x j)*(j - 1)) j
totientSum :: Int -> Int
totientSum n = sum $ take n totients
当 totientSum n
计算 n
超过 40000 时,ghci 需要很长时间来评估并开始消耗大量内存。编译为可执行文件无济于事。我认为这与 Haskell 处理惰性求值的方式有关。
我想知道是否可以选择性地应用严格性来改善上述函数的内存消耗,以便我可以计算总和高达 1000000。我还想知道是否有更好的方法这使用列表,或者我是否应该使用随机访问数据结构。如果您知道计算总和的更快算法,请分享参考。
我认为 applyEvery
-- <>
applyEvery' :: (a -> a) -> Int -> [a] -> [a]
applyEvery' f n = zipWith ($) (cycle (replicate (n - 1) id ++ [f]))
applyEvery'' :: (a -> a) -> Int -> [a] -> [a]
applyEvery'' f n xs = xf ++ (\(y:ys) -> f y : applyEvery'' f n ys) xb
xf = take (n - 1) xs
xb = drop (n - 1) xs
您可以利用以下事实:您正在为 [1..n]
这样做,您可能会先找到范围 [1..n]
中的所有质数,然后 不是找到每个数的质因数,而是找到每个质数的所有倍数 .显然,后者可以更有效地完成。
import Data.Int (Int64)
import Control.Applicative ((<$>))
import Data.Array.Unboxed (UArray, elems, accum, listArray)
primes :: Integral a => [a]
primes = 2: 3: filter pred (chain [5,11..] [7,13..])
chain (x:xs) (y:ys) = x: y: chain xs ys
pred a = all (\i -> a `mod` i /= 0) $ takeWhile (\i -> i * i <= a) primes
euler_phi :: Int64 -> [Int64]
euler_phi n = elems $ accum (\a p -> a - a `div` p) arr inc
val = takeWhile (<= n) primes
idx = map (\i -> takeWhile (<= n) [i,2 * i..]) val
inc = concat $ zipWith (\i j -> ($j) <$> (,) <$> i) idx val
arr = listArray (1, n) [1..n] :: UArray Int64 Int64
main = getLine >>= print . sum . euler_phi . read
\> euler_phi 20
将是 Euler totient function for the first 20 numbers;如果你用-O2
$ ghc --make -O2 euler_phi.hs
[1 of 1] Compiling Main ( euler_phi.hs, euler_phi.o )
Linking euler_phi ...
$ time echo 40000 | ./euler_phi
real 0m0.091s
user 0m0.040s
sys 0m0.006s