CLLocationCoordinate2D 到一个数组

CLLocationCoordinate2D into one array

我在 mapkit 上绘制了动态数量的位置。我很好奇如何将我当前的纬度和经度放入一个数组中,因为它们目前作为单独的对象打印,而不是像它应该绘制的那样绘制地图。我知道问题所在但不确定如何解决。这是我当前生成坐标的代码 -

  do {
        let place = try myContext.executeFetchRequest(fetchRequest) as! [Places]

        for coords in place{
            let latarray = Double(coords.latitude!)
            let lonarray = Double(coords.longitude!)
            let arraytitles = coords.title!

            let destination:CLLocationCoordinate2D = CLLocationCoordinate2DMake(latarray, lonarray)


    } catch let error as NSError {
        // failure
        print("Fetch failed: \(error.localizedDescription)")

这是控制台中的打印 - Output

我需要打印件才能正常工作 - Desired output


您可以创建一个 CLLocationCoordinate2D 数组:

var coordinateArray: [CLLocationCoordinate2D] = []

if latarray.count == lonarray.count {
    for var i = 0; i < latarray.count; i++ {
        let destination = CLLocationCoordinate2DMake(latarray[i], lonarray[i])


在您的代码中,latarraylonarray 都不是数组。如果你想创建一个 CLLocationCoordinate2D 的数组,你应该添加一个变量来存储你的位置,你的 for 循环应该如下所示:

var locations: [CLLocationCoordinate2D] = []

for coords in place{
    let lat = Double(coords.latitude!)
    let lon = Double(coords.longitude!)
    let title = coords.title!

    let destination = CLLocationCoordinate2DMake(lat, lon)
    print(destination) // This prints each location separately

    if !locations.contains(destination) {

print(locations) // This prints all locations as an array

// Now you can use your locations anywhere in the scope where you defined the array.
func getLocationFromArray() {
    // Loop through the locations array:
    for location in locations {
        print(location) // Prints each location separately again