为什么我得到 "Cannot bind to the new display member." 这个代码?

Why do I get, "Cannot bind to the new display member." with this code?


private void PopulateComboBoxWithSchedulableWeeks()
    int WEEKS_TO_OFFER_COUNT = 13;
    BindingSource bs = new BindingSource();
    Dictionary<String, DateTime> schedulableWeeks = 
    bs.DataSource = schedulableWeeks;
    comboBoxWeekToSchedule.DataSource = bs;
    comboBoxWeekToSchedule.DisplayMember = "Key";
    comboBoxWeekToSchedule.ValueMember = "Value";

public static Dictionary<String, DateTime> GetWeekBeginningsDict(int 
    DateTime today = DateTime.Today;
    int daysUntilMonday = ((int)DayOfWeek.Monday - (int)today.DayOfWeek + 7) 
        % 7;
    DateTime nextMonday = today.AddDays(daysUntilMonday);
    Dictionary<String, DateTime> mondays = new Dictionary<String, DateTime>
    if (!IsAssemblyOrConventionWeek(nextMonday))
        mondays.Add(nextMonday.ToLongDateString(), nextMonday);

    for (int i = 0; i < countOfWeeks; i++)
        nextMonday = nextMonday.AddDays(7);
        if (!IsAssemblyOrConventionWeek(nextMonday))
            mondays.Add(nextMonday.ToLongDateString(), nextMonday);
    return mondays;


comboBoxWeekToSchedule.ValueMember = "Value";


您无法将 ComboBox 绑定到字段。 在定义 DisplayMember 和 DisplayValue 后尝试加载数据源:

comboBoxWeekToSchedule.DisplayMember = "Key";
comboBoxWeekToSchedule.ValueMember = "Value";
comboBoxWeekToSchedule.DataSource = bs;

增加组合框的大小,我敢打赌它说的是 System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary...,但我怀疑您知道答案 From This Thread。你到底生活在什么样的回声中?