Python tkinter 贪吃蛇游戏绘图延迟

Python tkinter snake game drawing lag

#example snake snake = [[1, 2], [1, 3], [2, 3]]
def draw():
for segment in snake:
    y = segment[0] * 10
    x = segment[1] * 10
    canvas.create_rectangle(x, y, x + 10, y + 10, fill="red")

我在 python 中使用 tkinter 创建了一个简单的贪吃蛇游戏,但是当蛇数组包含 30 多个矩形时,移动速度会迅速减慢,所以我想知道是否有更好的方法来绘制对象以便它工作得更快而不是不断地调用这个绘制函数?


def move_right(event):

global left, right, up, down
if right != True:
    left, right, up, down = False, True, False, False
    while right == True:
        if snake[0][1] >= snake[1][1]:
            for x in range(len(snake) - 1, 0, -1):
                snake[x] = snake[x - 1]
            snake[0] = [snake[0][0], snake[0][1] + 1]


您不必删除 canvas 中的所有矩形。您只需删除最后一个矩形并添加新的头部矩形。

要在 snake 列表中添加新的 x,y,您不必移动所有元素 - 您只需要 snake.insert(0, [new_x, new_y])

您可以使用 root.after 代替 while 循环和 sleep

示例 - 不检查碰撞

import tkinter as tk

# === constants ===

TIME = 50

# === functions ===

# create all rectangles on canvas
def create_snake(canvas, snake):
    snake_rect = []

    for x, y in snake:
        x1 = x * BLOCK_SIZE
        y1 = y * BLOCK_SIZE
        x2 = x1 + BLOCK_SIZE
        y2 = y1 + BLOCK_SIZE
        rect = canvas.create_rectangle(x1,y1,x2,y2, fill='red')

    return snake_rect

# move snake - add first rectangle and remove last one
def move(canvas, snake, snake_rect, remove_last=True):

    # get head
    x, y = snake[0]

    # new head position
    if direction == 'up':
        y = y-1
    elif direction == 'down':
        y = y+1
    elif direction == 'left':
        x = x-1
    elif direction == 'right':
        x = x+1

    # add first - new head
    snake.insert(0, [x, y])

    x1 = x * BLOCK_SIZE
    y1 = y * BLOCK_SIZE
    x2 = x1 + BLOCK_SIZE
    y2 = y1 + BLOCK_SIZE
    rect = canvas.create_rectangle(x1,y1,x2,y2, fill='red')

    snake_rect.insert(0, rect)

    # remove last - tail (if snake doesn't eat 'apple')
    if remove_last:
        del snake[-1]

        del snake_rect[-1]

    # call `move` function again after TIME miliseconds
    root.after(TIME, move, canvas, snake, snake_rect)

# change direction                
def change_direction(new_direction):
    global direction


    if new_direction == 'left':
        if direction != 'right':
            direction = new_direction
    elif new_direction == 'right':
        if direction != 'left':
            direction = new_direction
    elif new_direction == 'up':
        if direction != 'down':
            direction = new_direction
    elif new_direction == 'down':
        if direction != 'up':
            direction = new_direction

# === main ===

direction = 'up'

# ---

root = tk.Tk()

canvas = tk.Canvas(root)

# create long (curved) snake
snake = [[x,25] for x in range(10,35)] + [[35, y] for y in range(25, 1, -1)] + [[x, 1] for x in range(35, 1, -1)]
snake_rect = create_snake(canvas, snake)

# call `move` function after TIME miliseconds
root.after(TIME, move, canvas, snake, snake_rect)

# bind arrows to change snake direction
root.bind('<Left>', lambda event:change_direction('left'))
root.bind('<Right>', lambda event:change_direction('right'))
root.bind('<Up>', lambda event:change_direction('up'))
root.bind('<Down>', lambda event:change_direction('down'))

# start program