Device Farm 将带有 "extra data" 的 zip 存档的内容放在 iOS 上的什么位置?

Where Device Farm puts the content of a zip archive with "extra data" on iOS?

对于我们的任务,我们需要在设备上 运行 应用程序之前放置一个包含一些内容的文件夹。
对于 Android 设备似乎一切正常,但对于 iOS 似乎 zip 存档的内容存储在我们的应用程序没有预料到的地方。默认情况下,zip 存档的内容将在 iOS 台设备上提取?
就我而言,我需要将数据放入 Documents/myfolder

对于 iOS,Device Farm 将您使用 ScheduleRun 操作上传的额外数据放入应用程序的沙箱中。来自 Device Farm FAQ:

Q: I’d like to supply media or other data for my app to consume. How do I do that?

You can provide a .zip archive up to 4 GB in size. On Android, it will be extracted to the root of external memory; on iOS, to your app’s sandbox. For Android expansion files (OBB), we will automatically place the file into the location appropriate to the OS version. For more information, see the Developer Guide.